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"Lex you need to get up. My mom and a few friends and family are coming over." Kellin said gently rubbing up and down Lexi's arm.

"Mhmm" Lexi replied and her eyes fluttered opened and looked straight up at Kellin.

"What time is it?" Lexi mumbled.

"11:30 am my mom said she'd be here about 11:30 so she should be here any minute." Kellin said leaning down to place a kiss on Lexi's lips only to have her move her head to the side and him end up kissing her cheek instead.

"Lex I want a kiss!" Kellin whined.

"Yeah well I have morning breath. And you need to answer the door" Lexi replied as she heard the doorbell go off as she was talking.

"Fine. But after I get a kiss" kellin said.

"Whatever you say pretty boy." Lexi said with a laugh and walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, hair and washed her face. Lexi threw her hair up into a messy bun not wanting to have to deal with it then put on a pair of black jeans and a white flowy shirt and a printed black, white and grey cardigan. (Pic above is how I picture Lexi's outfit. Minus the boots and purse)

Lexi finished getting dressed and carefully walked down the steps.

"Hey babe" Lexi said a pecked Kellin on the lips. She then turned and looked at Kellin's mom.

"Hey" Lexi said with a smile.

"Hello Dear" she said in return.

"So Kellin can you take Lexi out for a bit" Lisa mentioned to Kellin.(yes there are two Lisa's in this story deal with it!)

"Yeah sure mom." Kellin said kissing his mom on the cheek and helped Lexi to the car.

"So where are we going? Your mom just got here babe!" Lexi asked confused.

"I know she said she wanted to rest up a bit so I decided I would take you out to lunch." Kellin said and grabbed one of Lexi's hands in his as he pulled out of the driveway.

"So Where to babe?" Kellin asked.

"I don't know you pick" Lexi said

"Okay how does frozen yogurt sound?" Kellin suggested.

"Sounds good to me" Lexi said with a smile.


"Babe, when are we leaving?" Lexi asked kellin as they both already finished their frozen yogurt and are just sitting in the uncomfortable metal chairs at one of the tables.

"Soon babe" kellin said looking down at his phone and texting his mom to see if they are able to come back yet, and just like that kellin got a respond from his mom saying they are allowed to come back.

"Alright babe let's go." Kellin said standing up and helped Lexi get up and out to the car.

"Kells what's ping on?" Lexi asked confused seeing about 5 to 10 cars in their driveway.

"I'm not sure babe. Let's go in and find out" kellin told her as try both got out the car.

Lexi anxiously walked towards the front door as kellin unlocked(I know your probably wondering why it's locked... Just go with it) the door and opened it and pushed Lexi (not rough just enough to move her) in the doorway and when he did everyone screamed 'surprise!'

"Kells what's all this what's going on?" Lexi said as tears started making there way down Lexi's face. Lexi took a look around at all of the friends she's made(Kellin's band) and then at the friends she made from back home.

My Sweetest Sin // Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now