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The nurse led Lexi and Kellin to a room and told them that the doctor would be there to see them shortly.

"Kells, I'm nervous" Lexi said breaking the silence. But she wasn't nervous about the whole doctors visit but about what kellin would say.

"It will be okay baby." Kellin said kissing Lexi's head.

"I promise" he said, but he said it not only to give Lexi reassurance but himself some as well.

After a few more moments of silence, well other then the noises of people walking past the door, the doctor came in.

"Hello I'm Doctor Sanders" he said taking a seat.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked. Lexi getting more nervous as the appointment progressed.

"Well Lexi has been sick the past week or so, I wake up to her running to the bathroom to throw up most mornings." Kellin said explaining to Dr. Sanders what's been going on.

"Any fever?" He asked.

"No" Lexi said quietly, but loud enough for the doctor to hear her.

"Lexi what sort of symptoms have you been having?" Dr. Sanders asked already having somewhat of an idea of what the problem could be.

"Nausea, fatigue, and like Kellin said vomiting" (I hate that word. Idk why but I do....along with puke!) Lexi said as Dr. Sanders wrote down what Lexi was telling him.

"Alright, if you don't follow me please" Dr. Sanders said getting up and leading Kellin and Lexi to another room that held a monitor and a few other things.

"Lexi if you could please lay down on the table and pull your shirt up" Dr. Sanders told her as he shut the door while Kellin tensed up at the doctors words.

"No! Why does she need to do that? No! I don't approve of this!" Kellin said stopping Lexi from pulling her shirt up and looked at Dr. Sanders.

"Sir, I assure you everything is fine. Just need to check on something." Dr. Sanders told Kellin.

Kellin still wasn't sure about this but let Lexi proceed on pulling her shirt up while Dr. Sanders flipped the monitor on and put a pair of gloves on his hand before grabbing a tube filled with gel.

"Alright Lexi, this will be a little cold. Okay" Dr. Sanders warned her then squirted (another word I hate...) some of the gel on Lexi's stomach. He then grabbed a wand looking thing and rubbed it around on Lexi's belly spreading the gel around.

"Well Lexi it looks like you are about 3 weeks pregnant." Dr. Sanders said. Pointing to a little blob on the screen.

"That's your baby." Dr. Sanders said with a smile. Then flipped the machine off after a few minutes and handed Lexi a paper towel to wipe her stomach off with.

"I will be right back" Dr. Sanders said leaving the room.

"Baby, we're going to have a baby" Kellin said happily as a smile grew across his face.

"Y-you aren't mad?" Lexi said as she saw the smile appear on Kellin's face.

"No, baby I'm excited we get to have a mini us." He said placing his hands on Lexi's stomach and his forehead on hers and kissed her lips.

"I love you" Lexi said as she let out a sigh of relief. But instantly tensed up.

"Kells what if the baby ends up like me?" Lexi said in sheer panic at the fact her child could end up like her.

"If it happens babe it happens and we will be there for him/her, giving them the love ad support they need." Kellin said kissing Lexi's nose just as the doctor came back in.

"Alright Lexi, I have prescribed you with a few medications to help keep the baby growing health and to make sure you stay healthy as well throughout the pregnancy. He said handing the prescriptions over to Kellin. He then went over a few more things and set up my next appointment, which won't be for about a month and a 1/2. Once done we left and headed home, dropping the prescriptions off at the pharmacy so we can pick them up later.


Heres the new chapter I hope y'all enjoy. Sorry if some stuff isn't accurate and all that shit, I've not her pregnant not am I a doctor. But none the less I've made a new chapter and I would really appreciate it if I got some feedback. I will try to update as often as possible but no promises because I'm still not in the best mindset but I felt okay so I wrote for you guys. Thank you for your patience and I love you. 💜

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