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"Honey I'm home!" Lexi called out to Kelli and letting out a small chuckle as she walked through the door of her apartment and closing it behind her.

"Hey love" Kellin said walking out from the kitchen.

"What ya up to" Lexi said examining Kellin's features. Lexi caught herself doing that a lot.

"Making dinner. Hope you don't mind tacos....Vic's family recipe" Kellin told Lexi and pecked her on the lips before walking back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

"SOOO GOOD OH MY FUCK" Lexi moaned as she finished her food.

"I know." Kellin said finishing his last bite of food as well.


"Kells can we watch Coraline?" Lexi whined.

"Babe. We've watched it like three times already!" Kellin said with annoyance in his voice because of how many times they've watched that one movie.

"B-but I love that movie" Lexi said whimpering a little.

"Later okay? I have some work I need to do. Do you have a quiet room I can work in?" kellin asked.

"Yeah. My bedroom. I can go." Lexi said walking out the room.

A few minutes later Kellin is calling Lexi's name.


Did y'all like the chapter???
Sorry it was so short. Had a busy day.



"lex!!! Your phone keeps going off!" kellin called sticking his head out of Lexi's bedroom.

"Okay! I'm coning" Lexi said hoping up off the couch and up the stairs to get her phone.

She looked down at the messages. It was Stephanie.

(From:Stephanie): H-hey. C-could I-I come o-over?

To: Stephanie
(From:Lexi): Sure of course. My address is (idk an address so be creative)

To: Lexi
(From: Stephanie): alright.


There was a knock at the door about 20 minutes later. Lexi opened the door to see a red puffy eyed Stephanie.

"Oh my god are you okay" Lexi asked her pulling he in and shutting the door.

"I-I-i" Was all she could seem to mutter.

"Hey...it's okay. You don't have to talk."

"O-okay" she stuttered.

"I'm here when your ready to talk" Lexi told her giving he a warm smile.

"Hey babe, who was at the door?" Kellin called out peeking his head around the corner

"Just a friend. It's all good babe. Just continue your work" Lexi called back to him.

"W-was that K-Kellin?" Stephanie muttered in shock.

"Yeah. Haha" Lexi said letting out a laugh.

"H-how?" Stephanie muttered again.

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't y'all d-dating? And how?"

"Oh. Haha yeah we are. And through twitter. Lol I met him for the first time the other day" Lexi said explaining how her and Kellin met.


OKAY! Now it's really the end of the chapter! Updating schedule starts next week!

This chapter is dedicated to fxckyourownface

Q: what's your favorite band....don't kill me for asking!

A: SWS ad PTV are my top two SWS before PTV tho

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