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Kellin leaves in two days for tour. He was nervous about leaving Lexi but he was excited to be out touring and seeing fans again.

Kellin decided that he would take Lexi on a date. Maybe go to this cool little over look.....wait I'm not telling y'all just yet.

Kellin decided since it was about 3:30 pm that he would let Lexi know that they are going out tonight.

"Lex" Kellin called walking up the stairs and to his.....their room.

"Yes" she replied sweetly as she saw kellin walk into the bedroom.

"I'm taking you out tonight at about 6:30 so be ready." Kellin said smiling and walking out the room to get everything ready.

"Hey Kells.....what do I wear" Lexi asked him.

"Something casual" he said then proceeded to walk out the room.

Lexi had a growing smile on her face as he phone was ringing waiting for her best friend to pick up on the other end.

"Lex, hey are you okay" Stephs worried voice sounded through. Lexi never usually rang Steph unless she needed to.

"I'm great, perfect, amazing" Lexi said starting to day dream.

"What's lover boy done" Steph asked her chuckling.

"We're going out tonight. I don't know, but it feel tonight's going to be amazing" Lexi gushed.

"I'm sure it will be" Steph responded.

The two continued to talk till Lexi decided it was time to get ready.


"Kells are we there yet" Lexi whined. To Lexi it felt like they'd been driving forever when in actuality it's been about 15-20 mins.

"Almost baby. Put this on" kellin said handing Lexi a blindfold" she did as told and just in time too they had just reached the little overlook that has the perfect view of the city below. Kellin grabbed the picnic basket from the backseat and set it on the good of the car before walking over to Lexi's side of the vehicle and opened her door helping her out.

Once out kellin slowly lifted the blindfold off of her head and threw it in the front seat.

"I-it's beautiful Kells" Lexi said looking at the setting sun admiring the beauty. She quickly took a picture of it before shoving her phone back into her pocket and proceeded to sit next to kellin.

"For you, m'lady" kellin said heading Lexi a sandwich and a water.

"Thanks" Lexi said giggling and proceeded to eat half the sandwich kellin made.

After they finished dinner then sun was now completely set and they where both laying next to each other. Kellin with his hand behind his head and his arm off to the side in a triangle shape and Lexi's head resting upon his arm. Both laying and enjoying the silence and company of the other.

"Kellin. What do you want the baby to be?" Lexi asked curious already knowing she wanted a little girl, but if she had a little boy that would be okay too.

"I don't care. Whatever is fine as long as it's happy and healthy" kellin said taking his feee hand and reaching over for Lexi's and intertwined their fingers.

"What about names?" Lexi questioned

"I was thinking about maybe Skylar for a girls I don't have one for a boy yet" Kellin said.

"I love that and I was thinking for a boy maybe Ryder or Caleb" Lexi told him.

"That's perfect baby girl."

"I'm going to miss you Kells" Lexi told him realizing he leaves soon.

"I'm going to miss you too. But WE will make it. Okay. And if you need I can fly you out or come home on our days off. Everything will work out princess" kellin said kissing the top of Lexi's head. Them both enjoying the rest of the time they have together.


All I see at the top of my screen is "5SOS, FANFICTION, & MICHAEL, CLIFORD"

Anyways I hope you enjoy.xx

And the pic attached is Steph trying to guess what kellin was thinking about! Are you glad it's not a dog? HAHA TOTALLY WASNT telling you what they were talking about.

My Sweetest Sin // Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now