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"Babe. Let's go we are going to be late" Lexi said to kellin. Today is the day of the checkup to see what the gender of the second baby is.

"I'm coming don't get your panties in a twist" kellin said walking out of the kitchen stuffing his face with an apple.


"What do you think it's going to be?" Lexi asked Kellin.

"A boy for sure!" He said confidently.

"Yeah well I say girl!" Lexi replied.

"Let's make a deal. Winner chooses what's for dinner" Kellin's said.

"Deal" Lexi said with a smirk.


"Lexi" the nurse said and I stoop up with the help of Kellin and walked to the door that lead to the back.

"Hello Lexi, Kellin" Dr. Sanders said with a smile.

"Hello" Lexi said in return.

"So what are we here for today?" He asked.

"To find out the gender of the second baby." Lexi replied

"Okay you know the drill, lay back and lift your shirt up please" Dr. Sanders said. Lexi did as told and tensed up when the gel made contact with her stomach.

Doctor Sanders took the wand and pressed it on Lexi's stomach and spread the gel around. Soon you were able to see a picture of the two babies.

"Alright the gender of baby number two is..."

"A boy right!" Kellin said interrupting Dr. Sanders.

"Kellin! Be patient and let the doctor speak" Lexi said smacking Kellin's chest with the back of her hand causing kellin to let out a small 'ouch' .

"As I was saying the gender of the second baby is.... A girl" the docatrs said with a smile.

"Yes!" I said triumphantly while kellin pouted.

"I'm a summing you two made a bet on what the gender was going to be?" Dr. Sanders said with a laugh.

"Yep. And now I get to choose what's for dinner." Lexi said as the smile on her face grew wider.

"Alright back to business. Both babies seem to be healthy an developing really well. Your baby girl is smaller then your boy but she's doing great." Dr. Sanders said.


"So what do you want for dinner?" Kellin asked Lexi as they got into the car to head back home.

"Humm. Chinese sounds really good so let's go with that." Lexi said.

"Babe do you want to eat out or just get takeout delivered to the house?" Kellin asked.

Although Lexi wanted to eat out her back and feet were killing her so she told Kellin that they will just order take out at the house.


I can never seem to find good endings for my chapters 😩 anyways here's chapter 23. Let me know what y'all think.

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