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The past few days have been hell for Kellin. He was always focused on his thoughts and how both of these situations could affect his career. But with the help and reassurance from his friends he was ready to do this.

No fancy outing, it was just him and Lexi with a candlelit dinner in the back yard. With the help of Vic, Kellin successfully made a nice looking dinner that consisted of garlic bread and Shrimp Alfredo, one of Lexi's favorite foods.

"This way m'lady" Kellin said as he led Lexi into the backyard.

"Hey thank you kind sir!" She giggled then gasped at the beauty of it all. There were dim barely lit candle lanterns hanging from branch to branch and tree to tree. There was a small sound table with a white table cloth set up as well in the middle of everything.

"This is beautiful" Lexi said intertwining her's and Kellin's hands.

"Anything for you!" He said as he helped Lexi sit down. Once sat down he looked down at her and bent down on one knee.

"Kellin" she said as tears started to form.

"Lexi, baby, beautiful, my princess. We met and started talking in the most bizarre way but we somehow made it work. You said yes to dating me despite the distance and the doubts you had. Then we met, it was one of the best moments of my life. Being able to hold you in my arms, kiss you and tell you I love you. Then you moved in and we found out we were going to have a baby. But it got better, we are having two little bundles of joy that I can't wait to spoil. And now here we are, me down on one knee looking at the love of my life. She's stunning, I don't think she realizes it though. So despite our ups and major downs Lexi Rose will you marry me?" Kellin asked as tears started to form in his eyes.

"K-Kells" Lexi said reaching out and gripping Kellins are as she felt a huge pain in her stomach and her pants become soaked.

"T-the babies" she she stuttered and looked down at her now soaked bottoms.

"Oh god, okay. Let's go!" Kellin said starting to panic a little as he helped Lexi up and brought her to the car grabbing the diaper bag prepared for when this happened, his keys and they headed out the door and to the hospital.


"Kellin. I swear to god I hate you so much!" LexI screamed as she pushed.

"Baby, you've got this okay! Come on." Kellin said reassuringly. Vic and Kellin were in the room with Lexi, Vic was a little reluctant but Lexi practically begged and Danielle said he should since she had asked.

"One more big push Lexi!" Doctor Sanders said. Soon cries filled the room.

"It's a girl" dr. sanders stated and  showed Lexi and Kellin their daughter before handing him off to one of the nurses to clean the baby up.

"Alright Lexi last one. You've got this. Now push!" The doctor stated.


"Kellin they are beautiful!" Lexi said as she held her baby girl I her arms.

"They are. He has your nose" Kellin stated as he looked lovingly down at the baby boy he held in his arms.

"And she looks just like you" Kellin stated.

"I hate to interrupt but I need to get their names for the birth certificate." One of the nurses came in.

"Our little princess here is Stella Elizabeth Bostwick" Lexi stated.

"And this little man is Skylar Nicholas Bostwick" Kellin stated happily.

"Thank you, such beautiful names. I will leave you two be now" the nurse stated and left with a smile.

"Hey Kells" Lexi said breaking the silence.

"Yes princess" he asked looking at her.

"Yes! I would love to marry you" she replied. Kellin and Lexi both smiled widely, they have the perfect little family.


AND WE ARE FINISHED! Hope y'all enjoyed the last chapter.

My Sweetest Sin // Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now