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~1 month~

"Lexi.... Let's go somewhere please" Stephanie groaned, trying to pull Lexi out of bed.

Lexi recently moved back into her apartment, and since no one trusted or wanted to leave Lexi alone Stephanie is staying with Lexi till Kellin is able to come back and visit.

"No" Lexi whined, a few tears falling from her face and soaking up into her pillow.

Some days with and for Lexi are better then others. Today isn't one of the better days. On the better days Lexi is wiling to get up and out the house for a little bit, whether it's just to the store for some milk or to the park for a little storll.

"Lex, getting out will be good for you. You've not been out this entire week. Please."

"No!" Lexi said sternly to the girl.

"Okay. Well kellin called earlier he said for me to tell you to text or call him when you get up." Stephanie told her reaching over to the bed side table and grabbing Lexi's phone, unlocking it and bringing up Kellin's contact.

"Here" she said handing the phone to Lexi, only to have Lexi shake her head no and lock the phone, dropping it on the bed.

"Lexi, please he said he it was important. Would you like me to call him for you?" Stephanie asked her. This is what she normally has to do with Lexi when she gets like this. Call Kellin for her, and sit the room with her while Kellin talks, Stephanie reassuring him every so often that she's still listening.

Lexi had nodded her head yes in response, so Stephanie is currently sitting on the bed next to Lexi with Kellin on speaker phone waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Kellin said answering the phone.

"Hey it's Steph, Lexi wouldn't call you on her own so I got her to agree to sit and listen like we normally do" Stephanie told him.

"So she's not doing any better today then?" Kellin asked.

"Sadly no" Steph said letting out a sigh.

Stephanie and Kellin made an agreement that she will keep him up to date on how Lexi's been, they've started to become good friends as well.

"Ok." Kellin paused and sighed before continuing. "Lex.... Baby, I've got some time off for a bit so I'm flying up Friday night and should be there sometime Saturday." Kellin told her with excitement. He's been looking forward to telling her this since he found out.

Hearing this Lexi smiled a little.

"C-can't w-wait" she told him stumbling over her words. Her voice cracking some and her throat hurting from the lack of talking.

"I love you princess, see you in 2 days"

"I love you too" she shakily said back before taking her phone from Stephanie's hand and hitting the end button on the screen.


short chapter. It's early, and it's the first day of school. I've got a killer migraine and can't sleep so here's a really crappy update!


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