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~ Lexi's POV ~ (okay so I normally don't do POV for this story but my best friend wrote this chapter for me)

I sighed for what I swear was the thousandth time while looking at these stupid paint colors. Kellin decided that since we knew at least one of the genders of the babies that we should finally put together the nursery even though I didn't agree. So here we were, after buying cribs, a dresser, a changing table ect. ect., looking at different paint colors to paint the nursery.

We've been stuck in this same aisle for what I'm pretty sure has been a half hour only because we, or should I say I, haven't been able to decide what color to get. Since the gender of one of the babies was still unknown this was rather a tough situation.

"Just get the blue babe." Kellin spoke up from beside me.

"No." I groaned and continued to look at the other colors.

"Why not?" He asked while still following along beside me.

"Because," I whined and then shoved my head into his chest causing him to laugh a bit. "I don't want to get blue in case the other baby is a girl." I mumbled into his chest.

"How about green then?" I abruptly pulled away from him and glared. He stood and stared at me for a moment waiting for an answer I'm assuming before realizing I wasn't going to give him one. "That's a no then?"

I just nodded and continued to glare. He sighed and then moved on along the aisle looking for more colors. I watched him as he analyzed each and every color, before stopping in front of one and turning to me.

"What about yellow?" I immediately opened my mouth to decline since I absolutely despised that color, but he cut me off before I got the chance. "Just consider it babe. Look, they have different shades." Grabbing me gently he pulled me against his side and held me there so that I had no choice but to look.

"If we go with this color than we can get something with a softer shade instead of an ugly bright ass yellow that I know you're thinking of." He further explained making me laugh since he knew exactly what I was thinking. "It's the perfect gender neutral color too. It can go great with blue and pink for further decorations later." He added; looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Looking at him and then at the hideous yellow again I gave him my answer.



"Oh my god, just let me help babe."

"No." Kellin quickly refused my offer as he struggled to carry the dresser we just bought for the babies up stairs.

Rolling my eyes at his stubbornness I just continued bringing in all the other stuff that we bought today. Like clothes and such. That was the only thing that he would let me do since he didn't want me doing anything that could potentially harm the babies.

Bringing in the last bag at the same time that Kellin was bringing in one of the two cribs; I watched as he also struggled to get that up the stairs. I hated that he wouldn't let me help with anything but I understood his concerns for the twins. I at least offered to maybe call one of the guys to see if they could help but he turned that offer down as well. He was just so set on doing everything himself.

Trying not to dwell on the situation too much I made my way into the living room to start organizing all the clothes and stuff we bought that way everything would be in order by the time the babies got here.

I had only been doing that for around a half hour when I heard Kellin yell from upstairs.

"Ow, fuck!" Jumping up from my spot on the floor I made my way up the stairs as fast as I could with a pregnant belly and went into the nursery.

Upon entering the only thing I saw was a half built crib and Kellin holding one of his hands close to his chest with a semi pained expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I wondered with furrowed eyebrows since I didn't see anything wrong.

"I stabbed myself." He answered bluntly like it was something he says everyday.

My eyes widened the slightest bit. "What? Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded. "It was just in the finger....with a screw." He answered; wearing one the most innocent faces I've ever seen on someone.

Immediately all my worry went away and was replaced with annoyance. Annoyed with his immaturity since I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose. Shaking my head at him I went back down stairs without a word to finish what I was doing.

It was hours later after I had finished organizing everything and was now sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating some mashed potatoes when Kellin came down the stairs looking exhausted.

Not saying anything he came over to wear I was sitting on the couch, plopped down next to me, and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Everything's finished. Just have to wait for the paint to dry." He mumbled tiredly causing me to giggle.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! :) go thank kellinblurry for the chapter she wrote it for me! I was going to add on to the chapter but I loved it just the way it was. Thanks Steph you are the best! I 💜 U!!! 😚

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