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A few days have passed since Kellin and Lexi started dating. Lexi was already starting to regret saying yes. She craves the feeling of being able to give him a hug and be able to kiss him.

Kellin had called her this morning and told her to let him know when she was off work and they could FaceTime, Lexi is hoping to work up the nerve to ask kellin if he could come visit her or they could work something out.

It's a Friday and since she's out of school now she's got weekends off so she doesn't have to worry about going to sleep to early tonight. Once Lexi got home she took her phone out her pocket and text Kellin.

(Kells😘 is the name for Kellin in Lexi's phone and Babe😍 is Lexi's name in Kellin's phone)

To: Kells😘
(From: Babe😍): Hey just got home FT me whenever. Xx

Kellin saw the message ring through on his phone making him smile. He quickly ran to the bathroom mirror and checked his hair before he went and sat back on his bed clicking the FaceTime call button.

"Hey" Lexi's sweet voice rang through the phone.

"Hey princess. How was work?" He asked her curious as to how her day went.

"It's was pretty good. A little busy but I like it" she said giving him a smile causing him to smile along with her.

"How was your day?" She added to her previous statement.

"I'm glad you had a good day princess. And my day was stressful we are starting to think about other tours and work on more music. " Kellin said letting out a chuckle.

When Lexi heard that it made her mood drop knowing she couldn't be there for him at times like this, or when he's sad, upset or just in need of a hug.

"Lex, baby what's wrong?" Kellin asked as he saw her facial expression change and the first tear fall from her eyes.

"I crave to be able to hug you and kiss you. I miss you and we've never even met." She told him as a few more tears fall down her face leaving a wet trail behind.

"I know princess." Kellin said sadly knowing the feeling.

"C-could you c-come v-v-vist?" Lexi stammered out.

"Of course baby girl. I will check the flights and see when I can get one." He said as he set his phone down to grab his laptop so he could get a plane ticket and just as he was about to sit down there was a knock at his door causing him to get up and go see who it was.

It was just the delivery guy with his Chinese food. He quickly payed the guy, taking the food and quickly going back to his room.

When Kellin got back to his room he looked down at his phone screen to see Lexi had fallen asleep. He took a screenshot then ended the call, going back to looking for a plane ticket and eating his dinner.


Chapter 2 completed! I should be updating a few chapter tonight. ALSO IF YOU TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS WHAT SWS SONG I GOT THE TITLE FROM I WILL DEDICATE A CHAPTER TO YOU! No cheating tho! Xx

My Sweetest Sin // Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now