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Lexi jolted awake and ran to the bathroom from the sudden urge to empty her stomach. The quick movement and weight shift of the bed caused Kellin to wake up and follow her.

"Lex, you okay?" Kellin asked her as he pulled Lexi's hair back with a hair tie, then began rubbing her back.

"Y-yeah" Lexi said letting a few tears fall down her face while leaning against the wall then quickly leaning back over the toilet.

Once Lexi finished emptying her stomach she flushed the toilet, and brushed her teeth.

"Lex, are you sure you're okay?" Kellin said still concerned.

"Yes kellin! I'm fine. Just a stomach bug. It'll pass" she told him knowing it wasn't the truth. But she couldn't face him and tell him the truth not yet anyways.

"Okay princess. Get some rest. I've got a few errands to run. See you in a little while." Kellin said placing a kiss on Lexi's forehead before getting dressed and heading out the door.

Lexi slept a little while longer waking up about 9:30 am. She went and checked to see if kellin was home. She saw that he wasn't so she went back up to their room and dialed Lisa's number but not getting an answer so she called Stephanie.

"Stephanie" Lexi said panicked and she heard Stephanie on the other line pick up.

"Yeah, Lex, is everything okay?" Stephanie said worried as she heard the panicked voice of Lexi on the other end of the phone.

"I-I don't know" Lexi said as the tears started flowing.

"What's wrong hun? Where's kellin?"

"I-I messed up Steph. A-and H-he's running errands." She stuttered out.

"Lexi, call kellin and tell him you need him" Stephanie instructed her still un-aware of what the situation is.

"Lexi, please tell me what's wrong. Please?" Stephanie pleaded.

"I-I'm pregnant. Why me? What if he leaves? I'm scared. I can't do this Steph!" Lexi told her.

"Sweetie you need to tell Kelli what's going on." Stephanie said calmly hoping it will help calm Lexi a little.

"He's leaving" Lexi whispered out.

"What? You don't know that"

"He's l-leaving for tour soon. I can't tell him"

"Sweetie, calm down. Just tell him. It will all be okay" Stephanie told Lexi.

"Alright love I've gotta get back to work. We can talk later if you want."

"O-okay. Bye Steph"


Sorry so short and it's late :/ I just needed to get this out for y'all. Hope you enjoy. And feedback would be amazing please. Oh I'm also always ope for suggestions so feel free to send me some.


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