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Today marks Lexi's 4 month check up. And Kellin is still on tour so Steph flew out to stay for a few days since kellin isn't home and lexi didn't want to go to the appointment so Steph is going to come with her. Which they need to leave for now.

"LEXI, let's go" Steph said yelling from downstairs.

"Okay, I will I love you to. Kells! I told you I would. I love you. Bye!" Lexi said coming down the stairs in a pair of jeans and one of Kellin's shirt he left. Lexi tends to wear them a lot, they make her feel as if he's there with her even though he isn't.


"Okay Lexi, lay down and lift your shirt" Dr. Sanders said.(I can't remember if that's who her doctor is)

Lexi did as told and laid down and lifted her shirt up, tensing up when Dr. Sanders put the gel on her stomach. She anticipated the coldness of it but it always catches her off guard.

"Okay Lexi. The baby look healthy. You are doing a great job. Would you like to know the gender?" Lexi thought about what Dr. sanders asked her. She wanted to know but she wants kellin to find out the same time she does.

"Yeah. But can I FaceTime Kellin?" She asked politely.

"Yes of course. I'm sorry he can't be here with you" Dr. Sanders said looking down at Lexi and giving her a small smile.

"Hey babe" kellin said with his face popping up on the phone screen.

"Hey" Lexi said smiling.

"How are you?, is they baby alright? Did you find out the gender?" Kellin said spewing out the questions he's had since this morning.

"Babe. Slow down. That's why I called you Dr. sanders was getting ready to tell me." Lexi said smiling at kellin.

"Okay. You two ready?" Dr. Sanders asked. Earning a nod from Lexi and a yes from Kellin and Steph.

"Lexi, Kellin, it looks like y'all will be having a baby boy."

"Omg. Baby, we are having a mini you!" Lexi squealed.

After a minutes Kellin had to hang up. But Lexi and Steph finished and went out to lunch and then Steph demanded to do a little bit of shopping for the baby. Getting him some little onesies and a little stuffed turtle in hope the baby will love turtles as much as she does.


Short chapter I know. Don't kill me! By here you go enjoy. Also you have hemmotron_ to thank for this update. I didn't plan to update till next week.

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