Chapter 1: Name And Shame

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"The following subjects are not immune:.."
Thomas closed his eyes but then opened them immediately again. If his name was going to be called he wanted to look like he wasn't scared. He didn't want Wicked to see that they'd beaten him. They hadn't. Not yet.
Thomas felt a surge of relief which was quickly replaced with a surge of guilt. How dare he let himself feel relieved?! Yes it wasn't him, but Leo didn't deserve to become a crank, the savage creatures that slowly went mad and roamed the streets of the scorch.
"SHUCKING BASTARDS!", James hollered at Ratman, who was still innocently staring at his list of names. Just names to him. Names of Thomas' friends, Thomas' family.
"Lucky you," Ratman said, smiling maliciously and addressing the timid and anxious group. "There's only one more, it seems.."
Everyone in the room stared at Ratman with pure fury in their eyes. To call this situation, this horrible, drastic situation 'lucky' was an absolute outrage.
Although, in Thomas' mind, even if it meant three of his friends would have to live a horrific crazed life, he was glad it wasn't more. Or him.
Don't speak to soon. There's still one name left. It could be me, Thomas thought.
He glanced to his left and right at his two best friends and gave them encouraging smiles. Minho winked and returned to his death stare at Ratman. Newt held Thomas' gaze for a moment before smiling back a smile so comforting that Thomas had to catch his breath as a new thought wafted through his mind.
Maybe there is something worse then me not being immune. Newt. Newt not being immune.
Suddenly Thomas was praying to all the gods he could remember that this loving, mothering boy to his right would be immune. Newt kept the gladers together, if they lost him, they'd all lose their minds.
Ratman cleared his throat and made eye contact with Thomas. His smile was still menacing but his eyes were almost sad.
Thomas welcomed the wave of relief that it wasn't Newts name before he registered who's name it really was.
Thomas' eyes closed.
While he'd been praying to heaven for the boy on his right, hell had summoned the boy on his left.

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