VIP A/N! Read or die.

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Hey guys!
You have no idea how sorry I am that I haven't updated in so long...but there is a reason!
The last 2-3 chapters are going to be the last.
Yep MY STORY IS COMING TO A FINISH! And be mentally prepared for a few major plot twists (and deaths perhaps. Keep our fingers crossed)
Soooooo I am working on the plot and the last chapters ! Right now I am rewatching The Maze Runner (for about the 250th time) (ayeeee) (gonna go cry brb) (I'm back don't worry) to go over character personalities and help with the story!
I promise the story will either be done or have its second to last chapter up before Christmas.
Lots and lots and lots of love
Anna >•<

Instagram: ohsofictional
Twitter: annascarletta
Website (for book reviews and bookish rants):

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