Chapter 6: Secrecy and Secrets

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Jorjes return caused quiet a stir through the haven. Thomas fought to get around the gladers crowding about the berg. Thomas felt two very different emotions. Anger, at Jorjes stupidity to land the berg so near to their haven and drawing attention to them. And relief. It was Jorje! He was back! Finally Thomas could confide in someone about his discovery of the wicked insignia on the cranks gun.
"Ahh, little ones, glad to see me again?! Of course you are!" Jorje exited the berg with a bag in hand and handed it over to the nearest glader. Thomas hoped it was medical supplies or food since the storm had begun and they hadn't gone on a raid in a while. Not after what happened to poor Stanley.
"Jorje! Hey little shuck face! Where the klunk have you been?! You told us you'd only be gone for a week! It's been a lot longer than that. Us gladers were worried you were ditching us!" Thomas was only half joking.
He led Jorje into the largest room in the broken down building. The gladers used it as their gathering and eating hall. They sat down on two boxes and the curious gladers gathered around them. Thomas wanted to tell them to leave but didn't want to seem secretive. He'd save the Wicked insignia story for later, when they were alone.
"So, enlighten us and tell us where you've been!" Thomas notices Newt standing around the outside of the circle of interested gladers, watching Thomas intently. He also noticed Jorjes eyes flick around the room, almost like he was mapping it, memorizing it.
Odd, Thomas thought, then contradicted himself. No, not odd. I'm just being paranoid. Cut the man some slack, who knows what he's been doing out there.
" I've been visiting some friends. I knew they could provide me, us, with some supplies. It was in the bag. Medicine and staple food. It's not much but they said they'll keep providing more every month. Only to me, so I'll have to go back frequently to pick it up for you guys. It's worth it though. To... To keep you alive." His eyes were cast downward but Thomas didn't notice. He wanted to hug the damn slinthead! Supplies? Every month?! Thomas felt like he could finally breath. Maybe things would be okay.
"Alright, alright! Everyone get back to your posts and your jobs. Medjacks! How many times do I have to say: Never leave the shucking medical room! Stanley and Minho aren't gonna get better with you standing here doing nothing!" Newts voice rang out across the room. Everyone immediately started bustling about, hurrying to quickly regain their positions.
"And Thomas," Newts eyes bored intensely into Thomas', like he was trying to convey some sort of secret message. "Can I speak to you?"
Thomas and Jorje got up together.
"No," Newt said over his shoulder. " I want to speak with you alone."

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