Chapter 9: Re-Appearances

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It had been a week since Jorje had left, taking Stanley and Day along with him. They were down to one MedJack and they had one less fighter to join them in the raids.
The storm had passed when Thomas stepped out of the haven for some fresh air. Everyone had been eerily quiet and shaken up after the encounter.
They thought they had escaped Wicked. But now, with the logo on the gun and Jorjes unsuspected work with Wicked, Thomas knew their once peaceful and organized life style had gone to hell.
Newt was getting worse. Joining Minho in the race to craziness. Nobody knew if it was the Flare for sure that was spreading through Newts body. The black lump was still there, but the veins had spread further along his hands and shoulder. They matched the ones that grew on Minhos pale cheek.
Thomas felt tears rising as he slumped against the debris outside the haven. That day when he wished Newt wouldn't get infected, his wish had come true. But maybe he was mistaken. It wasn't permanent, the damage was only postponed till now, with Newt weakening along side Minho.
He was still slumped there for who knows how long when he heard to rustling sets of steps shuffle up the dirt road that led to the abandoned building.
Without looking up he reached for his gun and pointed it at the sound.
"Woah woah. Calm down, will you? It's just us. And boy have we got some juicy klunk to tell you."
It was Stanley. Cradling a half unconscious Day is his arms. Day seemed to mutter something along the lines of "goddy bastards" before fully collapsing into Stanley's muscled arms.
"Yeah, don't think he took the last few days as well as me," Stanley commented, looking down at Day.
"Where the klunk did you come from?!" Thomas exclaimed, running halfway down the dirt path to see if he could spot a berg or something that could have dropped them off.
"Don't bother," Stanley says, and starts heading towards the door. "They zoomed off in the other directions as soon as we were out the hatch."
Thomas couldn't believe it. They were back. How? Why?
"We need to talk." Stanley says.
"No shit."
Day mumbles something and Stanley leans down with his ear close to Days mouth to listen to what's he's saying.
"Noo...oot" Day manages to whisper.
"Ah, right. That klunking slinthead who stabbed himself with the needle of doom? Newt? He should be there when we talk too. He's kinda vital." Stanley translates for Thomas.
What did wicked have in store for The Glue today?

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