Chapter 16: Avenge and Revenge

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The trek was harder with little pieces of newts heart stabbing his chest every time he took a step farther and farther away from the clearing where they left Minho nearly two days ago.
They had shared a goodbye kiss, with the privacy of a broken down car covering them. Newt knew he shouldn't have kissed him, because now, as he dragged his feet away, it was all he could think about.
And how he wanted more.
They were nearing the bridge. A bridge that would've once guided cars and people over a deep river. Now is stood there, tangled metal, melted tar and scratched red paint. What once would've been a flowing water source of some sort was now a dry cracked land.
What stood out the most was the berg perched just under the bridge, on the scorched vast ground.
"Ah for shucks sake, do they have to make a grand appearance with everything?!" Stanley rolled his eyes from under the white cloth covering his face.
Days released his hand from Stanley's grip and used it to shield his eyes. He then stuck out his thumb, measuring the sun in the sky with some weird tactic Jorje had once shown him. Day winced as he lowered his hand, whether it was the beating hot sun shining in his eyes or the memory of a once loyal Jorje in his mind.
"About half an hour until the time those bastards told us to meet them. We should go through the mission plan now so when we get down there we can be all ready to knock their goddy heads off. " Day placed his unshaking hand gently back into Stanley's, although his talk was full of hatred.
Stanley gave a tight nod and looked back at Thomas. Newt hadn't looked at Thomas in the eyes at all since the incident, but now, as all the gladers turned to their leader, their plan maker, their only hope, Newt finally let his eyes roam the boy.
Thomas' taught face was pulled back into a grimace. His eyes were mere slits, only revealing a small glance at the dark green and brown mixture that tinted them.

In that moment, Newt almost felt like he could forgive him. But he knew it would take longer than there two short days to fix what Minhos love and Thomas' heartbreak had done to him.

When Thomas opened his mouth and briefed the plan, he felt oddly light. Like he was looking down on his own body from above, seeing himself recite the highly faulty plan like he was reading a textbook.
It was a simple plan, but if done right, it had big effects.
They were going to let Wicked take them, act dumb, but as soon as they were in the headquarters they were releasing hell.
Wicked wasn't stupid though. Thomas knew they were going to expect some sort of rebelling from them.
But Thomas knew they would never expect the bombs that they strapped to themselves on the way here.
Thomas receded back into his own body as he finished the last sentences of his trying-to-be-inspirational speech.
"... so be careful not to set them off by accident. This needs to be perfectly timed guys. We've been luck enough, as odd as it seems, to be captured by them before, so we know the layout of the place. Stick to your posts. If you see Ava," He steeled himself. "Kill her. "
"KILL AVA PAIGE" Stanley chanted, the words echoing off the buildings.
A couple more boys with the spare energy to shout joined in.
"FOR MINHO!" A random voice screamed.
There was a moment of hesitation that rippled through the group.
Then the shouts that praised Minhos past were deafening.
Thomas found himself joining in, then saw Newt joking the rally as well.
The made eye contact. With a slight nod Thomas and Newt put what had come between them aside.
This wasn't the time for mourn Minho.
This was a time to avenge him.

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