Chapter 10: Dried Glue

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For what seemed like the hundredth time, Thomas entered Newts room in a way he always hated. To discuss something important and probably deadly. He'd never be in Newts room in a romantic way, unless you call talk of the flare and black lumps romantic...
"What the bloody shuck is going on now?!" Newt complained as thomas dragged him by the arm into his room.
Newt was silenced by the image of Stanley cradling a mumbling and slightly conscious Day.
"Yeah okay let's skip the part where you thought we were goners and let's get the facts at hand," Stanley rambles. "Wicked infected us, including you, with the Flare. A new kind that only they have the cure for. "
"Why the bloody shuck would they do that?! Invent a new bloody disease?" Newt threw his hands up in the air in desperate frustration.
"It's not new, it's almost like a mutation on the original flare. They fixed us. My only question is why they didn't fix Newt..." Stanley furrowed his brow tying to figure out the point to Wickeds odd plan.
But Tommy was one step ahead of them. He knew why.  Thomas had always been Wicked favorite test subject. Their most promising grader. And with Thomas refusing to go back and work with Wicked, they had done the one thing they knew would hurt more than anything. Infected the person he loves.
And now with the opportunity so close to free newt from his infection, Wicked knew Thomas would have to go back if it meant Newt could be saved.
Thomas would have to sacrifice himself for Newt.
Let himself be used by Wicked and their tests for Newt.
But Thomas was smarter than that.
He was going to save Newt. But he is never going to give Wicked what they wanted.

"Hey, Tommy boy? You here that. Wicked gave Day an address with a date and time!" Thomas looked up at Newt and nodded.
"Okay good. Gather everyone. We need to pack up and get moving towards it. We've got a date with Wicked. "
Newt took a step closer and searched Thomas eyes with his own deep black eyes.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Newt whispered, leaning in to Thomas' ear.
Thomas looked upon, his eyes inches away from Newts, his lips would bump against Newts if he dared to lean forward a bit.
"This is for you. I won't let them take you..." Thomas glanced down at Newts lips and if the other two boys weren't in the room and if Thomas was bold enough, he might have dared...
"But I'm not going to let them take me either." Thomas finished. He took a step back and glanced at Stanley who had barely noticed their little moment because Day was finally waking up.
"Where's the place we got to go?" Thomas asked with as much authority as his voice could manage.
"It just says the red bridge by the dried up lake. " Stanley replies.
"I know where that is. It's about a three days walk. " Thomas glances at Newt and suddenly he realized that if his plan went wrong it wouldn't be only Newt that would suffer, it would be all the gladers.
"We leave in tomorrow night."

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