Chapter 4: Lost

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"Minho! Stop! He'll attack you!" Thomas shouted. But it was no use. Minho had planted himself in front of Stanley and was growling at the top of his lungs.
The crank was still charging for Minho and was growling be and screeching at the top of his lungs. Pieces of skin flew of his bloody firearms.
Minho growled back and was clawing at the air in front of him and had a feral look in his eyes.
It scared Thomas to think that someone, five minutes ago, was completely sane only to go crazy the very next second.
This is what the flare does. And Thomas was seeing it evolve in front of his very eyes.
The crank had reached the gladers and before Thomas could say 'Shucking Hell' the crazed crank had barged into Minho and they were a rolling pile of spittle and grunts.
They rolled into the pile of sacred cans and were dangerously close to Stanley's collapsed figure.
Thomas knew he had to do something, or else the friends he thought he'd lose by infection to the flare would be lost to a crank infected by the flare. Ironic, isn't it?
I glint caught his eye and his attention was quickly drawn to a gun laying not so far from Minho and his attacker. It was the cranks gun.
He ran to it and picked it up, noting internally its unwelcoming weight. His finger slid naturally onto the trigger. With a shaking hand he pointed the pistol at Minho and the crank. The crank was on top of Minho now shouting something inaudible but still threatening.
Thomas' mind shut down and his focus was concentrated on his friend and his enemy. What is he missed and shot Stanley who was innocently unconscious? Even worse, what if he missed and shot Minho? Newt would never forgive him.
Newt. Newt wouldn't have let this happen. Newt would have come up with some better solution.
Sound came swarming back and he heard shouts from the gladers behind him, encouraging him to "PULL THE KLUNKING TRIGGER ALREADY!"
He hesitated. But he knew that he couldn't let himself hesitate any further because hesitation is the one thing that can ruin you, the one thing you'll regret for your whole life.
So Thomas pulled the trigger.

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