Chapter 8: Disappearances

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Minho limped to Newts room, hobbling after the incident with the crazy crank. He pulled opened Newts almost broken door and Internally noted to knock next time and his eyes took in the scene in front of him.
Newt was standing really close to Thomas and holding out his hand. Minho struggled to think of something to say and was shocked about how much this bothered him.
He didn't really like Newt...did he? He just liked the attention he always gave him. He like that Newt liked him. Well atleast he thought Newt liked him.... The scene in front of him dared to tell a different story.
He was about to comment something sarcastic, something like "Hey Lovebirds, keep your shucking lips to yoursleves" , when he noticed the black lump on Newts sleeve.
"Holy klunk, Newt, what is that?"
Newt looked up with a shocked impression on his face but quickly relaxed into a light blush as he realized it was just Minho.
"It's nothing...I'll tell you tonight." Newt mumbled and pulled down his sleeve.
Minho perked up at the mention of another meeting tonight. They had been hanging out lately in Newts room, nothing romantic, just hanging. Atleast that's what Minho made himself think it was, he didn't want to get his hopes up.
Thomas cleared his throat and stepped away from Newt, obviously a bit annoyed at Minhos sudden presence. Minho suddenly remembered why he was actually there and cursed under his breath before looking up at Thomas with dread in his eyes.
"Jorje is gone."
Thomas' face fell with disappointment before quickly turning into panic.
Minho continued.
"I know he said something about going back every month but it's not that. He took two boys back with him. They were in the sick room with me. Day and Stanley, I think. He injected them with those shucked needles, and then took them back in the berg. "
"AND YOU DIDNT STOP HIM!?" Thomas screeched and ran his fingers through his hair a bit too aggressively. Newt put a hand on his shoulder and Thomas seemed to immediately calm down.
Minho, however, was more pissed.
"Look, you little slinthead, you're the one who said he was our 'friend' and we didn't know he was going to just jet off with our medjack and patient! He was very discreet about it, that little sly, wicked loving, idiot."
Newt glanced up at him.
"Why do you say he's with Wicked?"
"The needles had Wicked logos and...and before he left he...he said he'd be back. And Wicked. He said Wickwd would be back, with a surprise. "
The three of them were quiet then, their imaginations running wild as the thought of all the horrors Wicked could rain upon them. The Ivy Trio, broken and scared. It was Minhos worst nightmare.
"Look," he said, closing his eyes for a brief second. "It's a frenzy down there, they need a leader. Leaders. That's us. "
Thomas nodded and Newts rubbed his dry lips and gave a grunt of approval.
"Let's go," Thomas said gravely. " We will not let Wicked get the better of us."
And they walked out of Newts room into the chaos Thomas so many times wished they could avoid.

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