Chapter 20: Passcode-250

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Newts blistered hands felt around the box for some sort of weak spot, anything that would make it easier for him to open the glass cage.
He was smart enough to know that shooting it wouldn't crack it open. What was the point of having a electric padlock if someone could just smash the box open?
Newt ran his hands through his hair as he racked his brain for an idea. He glanced at an oblivious Thomas by the weapons room door. He was too busy constantly checking the hallways to notice Newt.
Newt squeezed his eyes shut as he thought about what Thomas' reaction would be if he knew what Newt wanted to do.
"Too much of a risk!"
"You could die!"
"I can't lose you."
All things Thomas would say to persuade Newt to not take the cure. The supposed cure.
When Newt opened his eyes again, they automatically landed on an electric taser perched on one of the messy shelves.
Of course, thought Newt.
He grabbed it and aimed at the electric keypad, he aimed from a close distance, finger on the trigger...
"I wouldn't do that..." Ava Paige tutted. "If anything other than the correct passcode is pressed into that keypad, the box explodes. And that means no cure for poor little Newt-y..."
Her handgun (the same one she used to shoot Joshua ) was pointed to the back of Thomas' head. He was watching Newt with tears in his eyes mumbling something over and over again. Something that sounded like 'How could you'.
It broke Newts heart. He had seen him.
Ava smirked sourly and carried on talking in her overly sweet voice. It nearly made Newt retch.
"He was watching you like you had taken his heart and stepped on it. It was the little distraction I needed to...take care of the situation."
"How could you EVER trust any wicked medicines, after what happened?!" Screamed Thomas. His eyes were locked on Newts. It was like he didn't even notice there was a gun pressed to his skull.
"Shut up!" Ava snarled, dropping for a moment the sweet act she was playing.
"I love you..." Thomas whispered, so quietly Newt had to strain to hear the words.
"Shut up!" Ava kicked the back of Thomas' knees, forcing his legs to give up and leave him on the ground kneeling. "Now Newt... The passcode is 250."
"SHES LYING! She just wants the box to explode and take you with it!" Thomas' words were laced with aching pain. But Newt knew Thomas would try say something like this.
"Go on, Newt, try the code. " Ava pressed.
Newt knew it was the only way to stall her doing anything drastic to him or Thomas.
Newts trembling hands clicked the 2 button. Then the 5. Then 0.
With a hiss, the airtight glass box opened. No explosion. She was telling the truth.
Newt grabbed the vial that sat inside. A needle that could be attached to the vial was placed next to it.
"Newt..." Thomas' voice was hoarse as he strained to persuade Newt otherwise from his perch on the cold floor.
Newt glanced up at Ava's chilling smile.
"Go on..." She said slowly, an evil tint to her voice. "You're going to die anyway, might as well give it a shot."
"NO" Thomas screeched. But his part of the conversation was already forgotten.
If she had been telling the truth about the boxs passcode, she could be telling the truth about the cure too. It could work. It could save him.
Newt took a step forward. A very slight step and studied Ava Paige. He studied how her eyes nervously glanced back and forth from the vial to Newts stretching black veins. 
Unless... she didn't know.
Newt took another step forward. Ava doesn't notice. She's too anxious.
He was not going to be her experiment. She was not gonna take advantage of him and the situation. She was not.
Thomas was still silently sobbing on the floor,  thinking his friend was surely about to die from the cure.
Even if the cure was compatible with his blood, even if it saved him from the flare Wicked implanted into his body, even if this was his only chance left at a normal wasn't worth the risk and the satisfaction it would give her. He wouldn't give her that. He would not.
He clicked the needle into place on the vial. His finger perched on the plunger. He heard an audible intake of breath from both Thomas, still on the floor, and Ava, still holding the gun to Thomas' head, although her hand had gone slightly slack with her attention being focused mostly on Newt.
"Please, newt, please. " Thomas whispered, one last attempt.
Newts head was tilted down looking at the syringe. He glared at Ava through his lashes and waiting until Ava finally made eye contact.
"I am not your test subject."
Then Newt strode forward and plunged the syringe into Ava Paige's pale neck.
All was quiet until her gun went off.

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