Chapter 19: Gladers Revenge

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They were shuffled into the steel compound. If was made of the same cold, hard metal as the berg that was now stained with Josh's blood.
Maybe even Ava Paige's heart is made of this horrible stuff. That would explain a lot. Newt thought to himself as his hand comfortably gripped Thomas'.
It was hard since their hands were tied and being shoved by guards at the same time.
Newt felt a pang of guilt when he glanced down at their linked hands. It's not like he wanted to give Thomas hope of them being a thing. It made it even worse to know that while his sweaty palm held Thomas' equally as sweaty palm, all he could think about was if holding Minhos hand would be better.
He pushed the thoughts from his head and decided that they didn't matter right now. He was holding Thomas' hand because he found comfort in it. After Josh's murder ( Newt knew it was a harsh word, but thinking it kept the fire inside him and thirst for Ava's death alive) he was shaken.
But it wasn't long until their plan was forced into action. Not long until all the things newt had been fantasizing about could finally come true.
The gladers new the plan had to be executed swiftly, quickly, perfectly.
Just as they were all shoved into a hallway that branched off the large steel hallway Thomas shouted the code word at the top of his lungs.
There was a moment of pause as the words bounced continuously off the halls walls. Anxious hesitation.
Then Marcus, the boy right at the back of the group, lets out a holler and shoots out back down the hallway, easily escaping the shocked guards loose grip.
That set them off.
All the gladers shot down the corridor. Elbowing as many guards as possible and landing solid punches as quick as they could.
"Designated spots!"
"Shank, you're on right wing with me"
"Let's kill these slintheads"
"I'm shot"
"Newt! NEWT! We have to GO!"
Thomas jolted Newt out his haze and they branched off down the second left corridor. If they hadn't been taken here when wicked first announced who was immune and who wasn't, this plan would have never been able to happen.
Of course, there were areas they weren't able to map, so the free runners like Day and Uriah took care of those places, running everywhere unknown. They were taking a big risk, but a necessary risk too.
Thomas and Newt were paired together to go secure the wing by the weapons lab. They would encounter a lot of Wicked soldiers, for sure, since they'd all be heading to get guns. Thomas and Newt were up for the fight.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Thomas asks nervously, glancing and the dark blue and purple veins marking Newts forearms and neck.
"Never been bloody better. Now can we please get to this shucking weapons thing already? I'd feel a lot safer with a gun on my side." Newts limp strains as he runs faster than probably healthy in his situation.
The round a couple corners, both surprised at their great memory of the compound even though they'd only been through these halls a few times.
As they round the last corner, with the large sign announcing the Weapons Labs location, a piercing alarm rings out. It bounces off the walls in an annoying wail.
A red flashing light accompanies it, causing everything to sway in proportion.
The finally reach the sacred room. It's large glass swinging doors are pushed open and three Wicked guards are inside, shoving ammo in their pockets and loading pistols and electric guns.
Newt immediately elbows a brown haired worker in the neck, causing him to drop to his knees. Newt finishes him off with a swift slam on the temple.
Thomas grabs the now dead or unconscious (he doesn't know what he wants more) guards' gun and shoots the other two Wickeds in the back and chest.
"This is shucking awful" Newt grunts, out of breath.
Thomas grabs a couple already charged electric tasers and positions himself.
Newt starts to follow in his lead when a clear box with a key pad attached to it catches his eye.
The label makes his heart skip a much needed beat:
Mutated Flare Test Cure
Batch #24
In his completed surprise, Newt nearly calls Thomas over to check it out. It's newts ticket out! A cure. A CURE!
But then he reads the next line:
Warning: high risk of fatality if not blood compatible
Newt closes his eyes.
Then as silently as possible, tries to break open his cure. Or his death.

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