Chapter 24: Final Freedom

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"Stanley! Day!", Newt whisper shouted. He was wondering  throught he abandoned living room of the gladers old haven. with a  nervous glance back, he saw that Minho was still safe where Newt had placed him on a torn up pillow.
Minho sat there  mumbling unidentifiable words, some mentioning Newts name, some Thomas'.  After they had hugged for what seemed like hours, Newt realised that the loving look in Minhos eyes wasn't there anymore. It had been replaced by a  tiny glint of recognition. Even still, he had followed Newt downstairs and looked like he would definitely obey his commands to stay put until  Newt came back with Day and Minho.
With a tired sigh, Newt realised that he probaly didnt have neough energy to move  without Newts help. Minho was just skin and bones.  All the gladers had always had a sharper edge to their features because of the hunger, but  Minho was at a whole new level. Newt couldn't even bring himself to  describe the way his cheekbones stood out, or how his eye sockets stretched so taught that it seemed as if Minhos eyes were to pop out at any moment.
With a quick shake of his head, Newt stepped into the old infirmary room. After scouring the place for the duo, and failing in finding them, he moves on the the kitchen area. They never really had much to cook there, since they were all too scared to eat meat that had been tainted with the flare.
A rustle sounds from behind the counter sounds and Newt quirks his eyebrow.
"Not the time guys..." He mumbles.
Suddenly Day and Stanley spring apart and jump to their feet. Newt waves his hands, signaling to them that they don't need to bother explaining.
Day and Stanley, faces bright red, gathered their backpacks which were full with cans of food they left behind when they left for the Wicked mission. 
"You found him?" Day asks, voice quiet and helpful.
With a jerk of his head, indicating to the door,  the pair followed him out and into the living room. Minho sat there, a  placid look on his face, his limbs ridgid and unmoving.
"MIN-" Stanley was cut off by Days hand covering his mouth.
"Dont shock him! He's pretty far gone, or getting there, and it seems like anything could set him off..." Day explained.

"Thats why...", Newt began, walking over to Minhos side. "Thats why we're leaving, Minho and I."
Stanley and Day exchanged a look, wide eyed and open mouthed.
"It's whats best! You know it! You're just too scared to say it! I'm going  to end up like this. Im almost there..." Newt held out his vein infested hand and for the firt time, Stanley and Day noticed how it was  jerking wildly, like it had a mind of its own.

"I don't want everyone to see me like that", Newt continued, pointing at Minho. "And I trust you guys, believe in you guys the most! Take the mess Thomas, Wicked and I made and fix it. Fly the berg somewhere safe far, far away. Minho and I will stay here."
Stanley was already shaking his head, about to object and demand they come with the rest of the Gladers but before he could even let a word out, though, Day jumped in.
"Let them do it. " Day said, his expression looked like he was giving in or giving up.
"No way! They'll be attacked and killed within the day!" Stanley yelled. It was hardly ever they saw the cracks in his hard armor.  Now, his armor was splitting down the middle revealing Stanley's raw sensitivity and emotion. "You can't do it. "
The rest went unsaid.  They all knew what would inevitably happen.  Newt would be as unresponsive as Minho was now and then he would be too far gone to have any use to the gladers. He would only be a threat if he came with.  A danger.
"I don't want to hurt anyone..." Newt whispered.
"You won't! We can help-"
"I WILL! And you can't do anything to stop it!" Newt shouted, cutting Stanley off. "Go! Go!"
Stanley and Day had staggered back, shocked by the outburst.
This is what Newt had become.
This is what everyday in the berg would look like.
Cranking out, screaming, attacking.
Newt wasn't going to let him do that to them.
Newt put on his scariest face, pulling back his lips to reveal his snarling teeth.
He let his eyelids fall hooded on his eyes and imitated the face he saw on every crank he'd come across.
Scary and crazy and all kinds of hellish wrong.
"We gotta go," Day says urgently, grabbing his and Stanley's back pack from the floor. "Stanley! Let's go! He's having a fit!"
When Newt glanced at Stanley's face, his act nearly faltered. Tears were streaming down Stanleys light brown cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry..." Stanley whispered. Then he grabbed Days hand and ran out the haven.
Everything went blurry and shaky to Newt.  His hearing, his breathing, his vision, although he knew that was from tears.
He gathered himself enough to collapse beside Minho, resting his head on Minhos chest.
It was only when the berg engine started up that the tears began properly falling down his face. He wanted to scream, but he didn't want to wake Minho. He wanted to chase after the Gladers, wave them down, and force them to take them him back. But he didn't. He wouldn't.
When the sounds of the Gladers berg was just a distant buzz, Newt let out a whimper.
"Forgive me, Minho" Newt whispered into Minhos ear.
Minhos eyelids fluttered open. When his dark eyes focused on Newts, Newt saw the look he had missed for such a long time.
"Thank you. " Minho whispered, weakly. "I love you. "
Newt replied with a kiss.
The end.

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