Chapter 5: Bandages

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"What the bloody hell happened out there? You know shucking well that area is infected with cranks. Bloody bunch of slintheads you are!" Newt couldn't calm down. Minho attacking a crank? A crank attacking Minho? Stanley shot in the thigh? A crank shot in the head?
All it meant for Newt was 2 more people in the infirmary for him and the other new medjack Day to take care of.
Well it didn't only mean that. He was klunking himself silly thinking of all the possible outcomes that could've let to Minhos death. Thank the gods Thomas aimed right.
Thomas. Poor Thomas. Who's hands were still shaking and was currently helping Newt carry the injured Stanley onto the make shift bed in the infirmary.
Stanley groaned and rolled over.
"Shucking little mo...gahshhh..." Stanley murmured his voice laced with pain.
The gun shot in his leg was getting visibly red and swelling to double it's muscular size.
Day marched into the room. He let out a low whistle when he saw Stanley's wound and instantly knelt by his side and got to work with cleaning it. "Mmm goddy cranks came after us again? Damn I hate those freaks. "
Minho chose that exact moment to walk in , clutching his arm where the past gone crank had scratched him. Everyone held their breath to see if he had heard to the comment but Minho brushed it off.
"You guys are a bunch of shanks if you think you can never mention cranks around me. They're our biggest enemy out here. We're against them and soon enough, you'll be against me too. But let's just cross that shucking bridge when we come to it. Now Newt, make yourself useful and bandage me up will you?" Minho slumped cross legged onto the floor.
Newt cheeks blushed bright pink and he rushed to Minhos side, taking out the pieces of cloth they used as wraps and bandages.
Thomas quickly exited the room, trying not to notice how much attention Newt was giving Minho.
Minhos injured. Newts allowed to show a bit of care. It's not like newt and I are dating or anything. GAh! What the shucking hell am I thinking?! Thomas ran his fingers through his hair and willed his mind to turn to the disturbing thing he noticed after the crank attack:
There was a Wicked logo on the cranks gun.
That could mean one of two things.
Either the lucky crank happened to find a Wicked gun lying around...
Or Wicked had supplied it to him. To use against them.
Thomas felt his insides turn black as he realized it was probably the latter.
And that meant Wicked was coming after them.
Maybe Minho was wrong when he said the cranks were their biggest enemy. Wicked was. They never stopped.

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