Chapter 18: Attackers

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The mighty gladers ran towards the gleaming ship. Its steel exterior glinting in the sun. lt seemed so wrong that something hoarding such evil could look so beautiful. Although, if Thomas ws being completley honest with himself, anything could look remotley beautiful compared to their harsh enviroment.

As the gladers stormed toward their enemy, Thomas ran beside Newt. His hand was aching to reach out and grasp the blondes,  but something stopped him. Something more than just the fact that they were running straight into the enemies hands.

Just as they were a few meters away, the silver hatch to the berg opened and out ran multiple wicked guards. Already they were outnumbered. They surrounded them, guns and electric tasers at the ready. Thomas tried to make eye contact with as many gladers as possible.

No matter what, Thomas' intense eyes tried to convey, dont fight them.

Every instinct in every single one of those boys told them to swat away the wicked hands as they closed around their muscly arms. Their insticts told them to gather all their hate from being stranded the last few months, all their anger and revenge for their lost frineds all because of wicked, and use it to destroy these horrible, sadist Wicked worshippers.

But that would defeat the point of the plan.

They needed them to think they were angry of coarse. Or else something would seem fake. The boys have our weak shouts and then gave in. It was hard, not to lash out. But the thought of the makeshift bombs attached to them and what was going to happen once they got back to wicked compounds was enough  to keep them going.
They were marched in a line up the ramp into the berg. Thomas ended up behind Newt, by a lucky chance.
Thomas watched as newts shaggy hair shook as Newt tried and failed purposely to free himself from the wicked guards.
Newt finally gave up when he thought he put on a good enough act. Newt turned his head to the side so he could make some slight side eye contact with Thomas. Thomas raised his eyebrows, trying to ask if there was a problem.
All newt did was give a slight smile with the one corner of his mouth. A smile that could have easily been missed if Thomas hadn't been watching him so intently.
It may have seemed like a weird time to be looking happy but Thomas understood what Newt meant.
Things were really working out. The plan was going perfectly.

They were all sitting on the cold floor of the berg in a small room which looked like it would normally store cargo.
They were cramped, tired and hungry. It seemed like they had been flying for hours, although nobody really had a way to tell the time and the sacred watch on Thomas' wrist was taken in Wickeds search.
The berg could've been standing still for all they knew if it wasn't for the slight jolt of turbulence that sometimes came around that reminded them that they were in fact really high in the air.
They all drifted in and out of sleep, never for too long in worry of missing the moment of landing.
Thomas was jolted awake from another common nightmare by Newt, who was shoving him with his shoulder.
"We here?" Thomas asked hopefully.
"I bloody hope so. The ship seemed to have stopped with a big bump so I think we're here and -" Newt was cut off by the door to the room opening.
A silhouette emerged, hair tight in a thin bun on top of her head, long coat billowing around her.
"Shucking Ava Paige." Newt hissed. Thomas watched as his beautiful dark eyes filled with hatred. Thomas hates to think that that exact look was directed at him just a
few days ago.
"Wow. You look worse then I expected. And so many of you. Thought those damned cranks I gave guns to would take a couple of you out... Atleast the whole mutant virus thing worked. " she gave a thin stretch of her lips, which Thomas hoped wasn't trying to be a smile. It was horribly ugly.
He couldn't wait to kill her. But not now.
She started round the edges of the group, giving herself the widest berth she could manage with such a limited amount of space.
When she got to the back of the group a sudden shout rang out around the room, echoing off the walls. A boy Thomas knew well as someone who always helped him in raids, Joshua, had managed to push himself up. His hands were still tied behind his back as he ran straight to Ava, teeth bared, shouting curses and threats.
Ava Paige simply pulled a hand gun out her coats inside pocket and shot him. Straight in the head.
Thomas remembered that Josh was only 15. Josh had helped him carry back all those cans on that one really successful raid. Josh had laughed with Thomas and Day in the medical room that one day about some joke that he had made up. Thomas couldn't remember what it was, but it had made him feel good on a shit day.
Josh was dead.
Newts face buried into Thomas' shoulder as blood dribbling around the room, finally reaching the two boys.
Thomas was so ready to kill her.

Sorry for the super long wait I promise it won't ever be that long a wait ever again! Thank you all for 70 votes and 600 reads! I'm so happy!
Ps I'm going to start incorporating the characters you guys requested soon also! And if you still want to request someone just comment and tell me who you want to see in this story!
Love you all

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