Chapter 7: Suspicions

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Hey guys! I just want to thank you all for reading and voting! I'm really stoked that you guys like it! Sorry if the chapters are short but I'm quite a fan of dramatic chapter endings so... Heeheee!
Please keep voting and commenting and reading!

The walls in Newts bedroom were cracked and ugly but to Newt they held the one thing he treasured most since coming to the Haven. Privacy.
And right now, with Thomas pacing around and tracing the cracks with his fingers, privacy was very important.
He closed the soon-to-be-broken-off-it's-hinges door and turned to the fidgeting Thomas. He was tapping his feet and scrunching his eyebrows, confused and frustrated. It reminded Newt of that afternoon with Minho and the thread. But lately everything was reminding him of Minho.
"I don't trust him. I think we should ask him to leave," Newt said hurriedly.
Thomas looked up and scanned newt up and down as if looking for a something that could've caused this mad opinion.
"You're klunking me right? Cause that guy just brought us survival in a bag for the next month. He got us through most of the scorch. It's Jorje !" Thomas was practically shouting. He took a step back from a shocked Newt and mumbled an apology. He didn't understand why Newt would say something so obviously absurd. It's not like Jorje was working for Wicked...anymore.
"Look, I checked out those 'supplies' and all the medicine has Wicked logos on it," Newt spoke slowly, trying to convince Thomas. "The foods good, I'll give him that, but he's the one who said we must never use Wicked products, especially not medical products. "
"Newt, I think we know by now that we're not above using Wicked medicine. Look at Stanley! With the rate his infection is going,  he'll be dead in a week if we don't give him some medicine. Jorje probably stole that stuff from them since they're probably the only place that actually has proper medical supplies. I'm sure!" Thomas ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Newt. He was sure. He had to be. This was there only chance. He needed to be sure.
Newt took a step towards Tommy till they were closer than necessary. Thomas' breath sped up and he stared into Newts eyes. Newt returned his gaze but instead of giving Thomas what he desired, he pulled up his sleeve and stuck his arm in Thomas face.
"Tommy," Newt whispered. "I used one of those syringe things, while you were talking to Jorje,to test them. I thought I'd only see results tomorrow of an antibiotic or something. But look. It appeared in seconds..."
A red swollen lump sat like a leech on Newts arm, black veins spreading along his forearm.
"Tommy, I don't trust him. This stuff definitely isn't good. It's not medicine, Tommy, I think it's poison."

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