Chapter 2: Buzzing Heads and Hopes

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It was a few days after the list and a few days after, with Jorjes help, they had escaped Wickeds grasp.
They were free. Well as free as you can get with the worlds most powerful organization hunting you down and forcing you to live in the streets that are owned by past-gone cranks.
So really,  Thomas thought, it's not safe one shucking bit.

Newt was in his room (a damp room in an abandoned building that had been converted into the gladers haven) and Minho was sitting on his floor, tapping his fingers and flexing his feet.
He was trying to keep busy, because when he was doing something else he didn't have to think about his impending future.  And there was something else. Something that was worrying him. The faint but ever so present buzzing in his head. Like a rouge bee had somehow been inserted into his head and was trying desperately to get out.
"AGH SHUCK!" Minho complains, throwing down the thread he was busying himself with and making Newt jump.
"What's up, Slinthead?" Newt asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I can't keep myself busy, if becoming a crank doesn't make me go crazy, trying to not be one will make me go crazy in a whole shucking new way!"
"Keep busy, huh? Come here. I know what'll keep you distracted. " The words were out of Newts mouth before he could analyze it and he wasn't sure where this newfound confidence was coming from.
Newt sat next to Minho on the floor and took Minhos hands in his. He started showing him slowly how to knot the thread into a criss-cross shape.
"Then you put your fingers in like this and move them to the end of the thread without them getting pulled out." Newt smiled at Minho, who was still frustratedly trying to play the game.
"Where'd you learn this anyway?," Minho asked.
"I don't know. Just...knew it, I guess. "
"Well it's shucking hard. I give up!" Minho threw the dumb game on the floor, exasperated.
"And to think, I thought you'd do something romantic," Minho mumbled as he left the room.

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