Chapter 13: Running

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Sorry the pics from tmr but j just liked the quote and the meaning yuppity yup enjoy this eerie chapter. AND THANKS FOR 200 reads LOVE YOU ALL!

Oh god. I forgot how good this feels
Minhos mind was racing. So we're his feet. He was running, faster than he remembered he could. Back in the maze, this was his everyday routine. Now as his feet slapped against the cracked pavement he remembered why he was the best at his job. He was basically gliding.
He spread his arms out feeling the air dance through his fingers. The tips of his fingers nearly touching the edges of the narrow alleyway on his aides.
The sounds of his friends calling his name started to fade behind him as he got further away. The buzzing had taken over.
For a split second, Minho felt like maybe he could fly. If he could just...jump.
Closing his eyes Minho took a huge leap into the air and for that split second when nothing was around him but an abyss, Minho felt like he really was defying gravity. Flying. In that split second a million thoughts flashed through his head.
But none of them mattered, not in that moment. Because he was rising. Higher and higher. Like an angel. If he was sane, he might have noticed the irony.

It felt so good that he almost forgot the perks of launching yourself into the air. Falling.
His knees hit the ground first and his hands stretched out in front of him and he rolled across the gravel. The lifted himself on all fours and glanced around daring anyone to mock his failure. Nobody responded. Rats couldn't talk. But one did dare to let out a shrill squeak as it emerged from its hiding place behind a crushed can.
It was enough to anger the cranked out Minho.
He grabbed the rat and dig his nails into the tiny rodents eye sockets, destroying any vision the animal once had. He proceeded to take a bite out of the rats belly, smearing himself with blood and gore.
At least he had enough sense to cancel out the rats eye sight so it couldn't see it horrible fate as it happened to him.

Minho dumped the rest of the minuscule carcass and stated at a days jog again.
But his fall and gruesome snack had cost him time. And the Devils chasing him, trying to get him back, had gained pace.
Minho growled and hid behind a half car that looked like it had been crushed and melted.
Two figures approached, one limping and one taller with disheveled hair. They were linked by hand.
A bit of sanity passed through Minho when he noticed this and a little "oh" escaped from his mouth. But then the buzzing returned , taunting him.
Really thought the little innocent boy will love you? The demon to be? The crank?
The old Minho may have been enveloped in sadness. But the flare did something to Minho. He didn't feel like getting sad over this. He felt like getting violent. He hated Newt.
Thought he loved you?
And Thomas, Newts partner in crime.
Go on. Give Newt what he deserves.

Minho thought back to when he was flying. Or when he thought he was flying.
He felt like an angel.
Now with a sliver of sanity left, Minho finally noticed the irony.
All he does is let out a bitter laugh.
Then he launched himself once again.
At the partners joined by hand.

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