Chapter 14: Saviour and Murder

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Thomas jumped back out of fright, tearing his grip from Newt. He saw a flash of black hair as the once sane Minho tackled Newt to the hard ground. The rolled around crazily reminding Thomas of the time that insane crank attacked Stanley not so long ago.
Oh what a simple time that seemed like.
"Minho!" Thomas shouted, his feet glued to the asphalt beneath him. Shouting seemed like the only thing he could do without getting himself caught up it the deadly scruff. "MINHO! MINHO GET OFF!"
Newt was shouting as well but his shouts were muffled by the fists of the crank bashing down on him.
"Pretty little crank boy, huh?" Minho whispered to Newt once he had rolled on top of him and had full control.
Thomas watched pressed against the wall, sweat dripping down his face. It was like a horror show was playing out in front of him in slow motion.
The boy he loves and the boy he wants to save.
Thomas pressed himself even flatter against the wall and the screaming flurry of hands and legs came closer towards him. The hard brick wall caused something cold and steely to press against his back.
The gun.
Maybe this situation wasn't as different to the Stanley one as he'd thought. He pulled the gun out of his waistband and once again felt the pure terror consume him as his finger wrapped around the trigger.
This was it. This was what he needed to do.  Newt would understand eventually.
It was the loved boy or the boy that could never be saved.

Newt was pinned beneath Minho once again.  Any other situation in any other place, this position would have been everything Newt dreamed of.
But dreams were not to be thought of at this moment, not when Newt was doing the complete opposite. Living his worst nightmare.
Minho kept mumbling things, sometimes sounding like he was whispering the word sorry, other times sounding like he was saying words of fury.
Minhos weight was fully on Newt now, crushing him and restraining any movement of his body besides his neck and face.
As Minho feral face lowered down to Newts, teeth bared and snapping like a wild animal, Newt managed to slip out a few words. Three words that if said to the right person at the right time, could completely change someone forever.
Newt really hoped this was one of those moments.
"I love you "
The words brushed past Newts lips and seemed to hold some sort of key, a cure to the curse, because as they reached Minhos ears, Minho seemed to gain some sort of sanity.
His eyes cleared, his mouth closed slowly and bunched up eyebrows loosened.
Newt could see the light of sanity in him and knew this was his chance. There was a a thread of crazy that had just come loose and if Newt pulled it, maybe he could unravel all the insanity that surrounded Minho. He just needed to do something that would makes the threads unravel themselves.
He leaned in, his lips pressing softly yet forcefully against Minhos. He let himself slip away into the kiss that still wasn't being returned. He moved his lips more hurriedly, trying to get the point across to Minho.
I love you, you idiot. Snap out of it. Kiss me back for gods sake, isn't this what you've been wanting? I JUST WANT THE OLD YOU BACK.
The words were spoken with the touch of his lips and tongue and Minho must have finally gotten the message as his harsh hands that were once clamping down on Newts arms loosened and started roaming his hair. His lips parted and he returned the passionate kiss.
When they broke away, they were both sitting up and their hands were one each others necks. 
Newt studied Minho eyes, searching for signs of the flare still manifesting there.
His eyes the drifted over Minhos shoulder to the silhouette standing there, tears streaming down his dirt stained cheeks, mouth pressed into a thin line.
But the thing that broke his heart the most was the gun gripped in his hands, pointed at the back of Minhos head.

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