Chapter 12: Finding the lost

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"I'm gonna check down the alley,"Newt whispered in Thomas' ear, oblivious to the chills he was sending down his spine. "If he cranked out and went anywhere, it  has to be the alley behind the car. "
The alley was the right behind the abandoned car and since none of the other gladers had seen him, it seemed like the only direction Minho could have run.
"Let's go," Thomas nodded. They had agreed to go together while the other gladers set up camp on the road. It was a good enough time as any to get the 2 hours of sleep they were allowed. "I've got the whistle that'll wake them up if anything goes rouge. Hope fully I won't have to use it..."
Newt and Thomas headed behind the car and walked down the alley that was wedged between two broken down buildings and run down cars.
They heard the scurrying of rodents and Thomas wished again they had the luxury of a flashlight.
Without thinking he reached out and grabbed Newts hand, lacing his fingers in between Newts fragile ones. He squeezed Newts hand softly, trying to translate the what he couldn't say out loud. Dont be scared, we'll do this together. I'm with you.
After a second, Newt returned the pulse.

sorry for the incredibly short chapter. Just wanted some newtmas in here. But seriously! Who the hell is newt into?! I'm starting to write the next chapter straight away and it from Minhos Pov. Get excited!

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