I'm Coming Out I swear.

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Kiers P.O.V: 

I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist, facing the wall of the bunk. Shit! Whose in my bed? I must have invited some girl back to the bus after the show yesterday, Bevvers is going to be pissed off; he hates it when I bring girls back and kick him out of our bunk. When I look down at the arms wondering whether to wake her up and send her home I don't expect them to be hairy and manly. Suddenly I remember the events of the night before and start grinning smugly to myself. Laur is mine! Now that I know I'm not in trouble I relax into the warm arms that had protected me from the nightmares that usually plague my sleep.  

I feel Laurence tense and I know he is feeling the same confusion that I felt just moments ago, it's easier for him to figure out who I am though because he can see the back of my head. 

"Kier, are you awake?" He whispers. I carefully roll over and smile. 

"Yep, good morning hon." We lay there like that for a little while as we slowly wake up properly. Eventually Laur lets go of me and stretches as much as the bunk will allow. "Do you still want to tell the rest of the guys about... us today?" He asks. 

"Whats us?" Drew asks, sticking his head into our bunk. 

"I guess we don't have a choice." I say laughing, it seems that Drew is hyper already. Laurence and I collapse out of our bunk into a pile on the floor, somehow managing to trap Drew as well. "Barronè! Help, a panda and it's friend are sat on me!" Drew yelled. Barronè stuck his head out of his bunk, when he saw what was going on he jumped out and ran over to rescue Drew. "My hero!" Drew sighed dramatically and collapsed into Baronnè's arms. I looked at Laurence and we exploded into laughter. "You two are so gay for each other!" I eventually managed to choke out and Laurence nodded in agreement. The Timids sprung apart and shook their heads, talking over each other to tell us that they weren't. Hmmm, they're protesting an awful lot, normally they find it funny and even encourage it.  

"Anyway! Me and Kier need to talk to you." Laurence told them and went to wake up Luke who had somehow slept through our crashing and yelling. I guess he's used to it now. "Aww guys, come see this!" Laurence called quietly and beckoned us over with his hands. He pointed at Luke who lay fast asleep curled up cuddling Wet Panda. I quickly took a photo and uploaded it to twitter: "@KierFVK: Aww look at ickle @LukeFVK snuggled up in bed with Wet Panda!" The rest of the guys watched as I wrote the accompanying tweet and we all started laughing,causing Luke to wake up. He regarded us suspiciously for a moment. "What's going on?" He asked, his voice thick with sleep. 

"Nothing!" Drew giggled. Luke rolled over to try and go back to sleep but Drew jumped on him, "No, no, no you don't! Kier and Bevvers want to tell us something!" Luke tried to ignore him, but Drew was persistent and after a minute or so of Drew's "persuasion" Luke finally got out of his bunk. 

We all sat down with some hot drinks and toast, everyone looked at Laur and I expectantly. "Me and Kier are together now." Laurence said, no build up what so ever.

The Timids: Oh, Honey You Know It Ain't Easy. (Fearless Vampire Killers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now