l Can't Hear The Voice Of Reason Anymore.

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Barronès POV:

Luke and the nurse walked back into the little room. I was glad they were back because l thought maybe they didn't like me anymore. l thought l'd done something to make them sad. I make everyone sad, I remember Drew was crying and now Laurence and Kier are crying, all because of me.

"Willow thinks that it would be best if we gave you some time to recover before we tell you what happened. She says you might be able to remember on your own." There was something wrong with what Luke said, although it took me a moment to figure out what. "Nurrssse." I said.

"Whats wrong sir?"' She asked, scurrying to my bed side.

"No, l meen yoou are Nurrse Willoow, nut just Wiloow. That's whaat yoou told mee." Nurse Willows face lit up. "Do you remember when l told you that?" She asked, grinning. I thought hard. It was when l woke up, wasn't it? No because we were alone when she told me and the guys were all here when l woke up. Well, except for Drew. "Wes Droo?" I asked, noticing that my voice was starting to sound normal again. I had a moment of deja vu which l shook off as best l could. "That's not important at the moment sir. Tell me, can you remember when l told you to call me Nurse Willow?"

I shook my head. "We were in here and I had just woken up, but... it was just me and you and the guys were here when l woke up. I don't understand."

Nurse Willow nodded. "You woke up twice, the first time it was just you and l, the second time your friends were here too." l nodded as if l understood.

"So, um, l went back to sleep?" Had I been here that long?

"Yeah, dude you slept for hours. We were so wor-" Kier said before Luke shushed him.

"Why were you worried about me? Please tell me what happened." Luke and Nurse Willow looked at each other, Kier looked at his lap guiltily. "Lets see if you can remember anything else for yourself first." Nurse Willow said. l shook my head angrily. "No, tell me what happened to me. Please!" I whined.

"Mr Barronè, I really think it would be best if-" She was cut off by Laurence.

"Nurse, can't we at least tell him why he's here? Look at him, he's terrified." Although l was feeling more confused than terrified of it meant finding out what was happening then yeah, l'm terrified. I made my best scared face.

The nurse sighed. "Personally l think it would be best if we let him remember for himself, but you know him better than l do." the poor women sounded utterly defeated, this must be really difficult for her. "Just don't tell him too much, you'll only confuse him more."

"Cy, you're here because you saw something really bad happen and started hyperventilating and had to be sedated. When you woke up you couldn't remember what happened to make you so stressed. A little while later me, Bevvers and Kier got here and soon after that you started hallucinating, so you had to be sedated again. Then you woke up and had forgotten the first time you woke up." Luke explained quickly. I sat silently looking at the wall behind Luke's head. I don't understand. All that happened and l forgot it? "I'm crazy, aren't l?" l whispered at last. Laurence jumped up and put his arms around me. "Hush, of course you're not crazy! You've been through a lot is all." He gushed. l thought back to what Luke had said: "you saw something really bad happen" and Laurence says I've been through a lot. Suddenly it clicks in my head.

"DREW!" I jump out of my bed and race towards the door. "Where is he?" l yell at my friends and nurse. They are all on their feet ready to stop me, but l won't let them. "Where is he?" l repeat. Kier walks towards me slowly.

"Shane! Calm down. Sit down and we'll explain everything." He reaches towards me and l flinch away. Who's Shane? l know that name... "Tell me where Drew is!" l scream at him. Luke starts to say something, but l ignore him. If they won't tell me where he is then I'll find him myself. I turn to run out of the door, but Laurence is blocking me in. How did he get there? "Let me through!" l order.

"Cyrus please-" He begins, but l push him aside and run out of the room. l hear him gasp in pain as he hits the floor. l feel guilty for a moment but don't stop running. l have to find Drew. "Drew! DREW!!" I scream as l run through the corridors.

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