Who Is He, Who Is He, Who Is He?

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Doctor Willows P.O.V: 

Hopefully Mr Barronè would do as I asked and stay in his room. He seems very dependant at the moment and I think that he would do anything that I ask him to. I ran a search on the computers hospital records for Cyrus Barronè and as I suspected it came up blank. I knew it didn't sound like a real name, but how I supposed to find out his real name? He seems convinced that his name is Cyrus. I remember what he said about being a fearless vampire killer, he honestly seemed to believe that too,maybe he's going to be one of the patients that create a fantasy world in order to avoid the real world after a traumatic experience. 

It was heartbreaking to watch him begging to see Drew,it was bad enough watching him scream for Drew before we gave him the sedatives, at least then he knew what was happening. Now he is expecting Drew to come walking through the door at any moment. 

I need to find out who this man is so that we can contact a family member or a friend who can help us tell him the horrible truth gently. It is always better in these cases to have someone the patient is familiar with present when breaking whatever piece of bad news it is. Otherwise they often become afraid of the doctor or nurse telling them and occasionally they can even turn violent because they blame their informer. 

I head back to Mr Barronès room to see if I can help him recall his real name, if it comes to it I will have to tell him about Drew myself, but if possible I want someone he knows to be nearby. Not because I'm afraid of him but because I lie this man and I want this to be as easy on him as possible.

The Timids: Oh, Honey You Know It Ain't Easy. (Fearless Vampire Killers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now