Three Days Since. (Part Three.)

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Laurences POV:

The door l was leaning against opened suddenly, causing me to the ground and hit my already tender ribs on the carpeted floor. l cried out in pain and suprise as stars darted across my vision. Deja vu hit me as Shane went running past, without even glancing back to check if l was okay. He was sobbing as he ran and when he reached the door to our apartment he began to thumble with the lock that we always keep done up. l carefully pulled myself to my feet, hissing when the movement caused my ribs to hurt even more. "Whats wrong? Barronè! Wait!" l yelled as he finally managed to open the door, he ignored me and ran out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

The rest of my band mates came running out of the living room, obviously conserned about all of the commotion. When Kier sees me stood clutching my chest he runs strait to my side. "Are you alright baby?" He whisers to me as he carefuly pulls me to rest against him. "What happened?"

"l don't know, um, l was on the phone, talking to Drews mum and leaning on the kitchen door when Barronè came running out, crying. l fell on the floor and dropped the phone and Barronè ran out of the flat." l looked down at the ground, hoping to locate the phone since as far as l know Mrs Woolnough could still be there worrying. After a few seconds l notice it on the kitchen floor, smashed into a million pieces from where it had hot the tiles.

Kier looked towards the door, then at me, still clutching my ribs and biting back tears, then back at the door. Obviously he was trying to decide whether to look for Cyrus or to look after me. l think we all knew that l wasn't going to be able to search very well in my current condition. "Just go and find Shane, you don't need to protect me all the time." Kier looked pained but after a moment or two he nodded his head quickly. "l'll be back soon, okay? And l'll have Barronè with me." He says and, after quickly pressing a kiss against my forehead, runs out of the flat.

"We'll find him." Luke promises before following Kier. Adoor shuts behind him l walk towards the timids shared bedroom. Both mens clothes are strewn alm over the room, having been in such a rush to pack for tour. lt's strange to think that that was a whole week ago and so much has changed since. Luke had to phone our manager and explain everything and cancel all of our shows. As for Fearless Vampire Killers l have no idea what we will do, we can't do anything without our bassist and the thought of replacing him is unfantomable.

Lukes POV:

"Please relax Kier, Bevers will be fine." l say as Kier continues to worry about his injured boyfriend. "Lets just focus on finding Barronè." l suggest. Kier nodds his head and opens the door to exit the stairwell on the ground floor of the flat. "Where should we go first? Should we take the van or walk? Should we call the police?" He gushes now that his attention has been diverted from Laurence.

"The police won't do anything, he's an adult and he hasn't been missing long enough for them to worry. Barronès on foot so we stand a better chance of finding him if we are too. As for where to head first, l don't know... Where would you go?" Laurence considers it for a moment before speaking. "Town?" He suggests and since l can't think of anywhere better we head in that direction.

Drews POV:

What if Barronè can only see me due to whatever drug it is he's smoking? If thats the case l just know he'll want to keep taking it inorder to see me. l can't let him do that. "Barronè, you need to promise me that you'll never smoke this stuff again. lt'll kill you if you're not carefull." l tell him sternly, God l sound like a parent. l'm prepared for some sassy comment about not being his mother, l'm really not prepared for what he actually says.

"And what if l want to die? lf you can't be alive with me maybe l should be dead with you. Things'ld sure be a lot easier that way." My breath hitches in my throat and my heart beat stops for a moment, my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"Don't you EVER fucking say that Barronè! How could you? Why are you even thinking such terrible things?" l yell at him. Barronè shrinks back from me as if he's afraid that l might hit him. l would never do that, l can't stand the idea of him being hurt, that's why l got so angry when he said what he said.

"l'm sorry Drew, l wa just thinking that-"

"Well don't! You can't do this to me Shane. You know l've been with you all the time since you left the hospital, l have to watch you hurting and l can't stand it. l have to watch, unable to reach out and hold your hand, or pull you close when you cry. l can't whisper to you that it will all be okay or tell you that l love you and it destroys me to have to go through that every single day and night because l can't even sleep anymore. l just sit there every night watching you while you lay in our bed, trying to find my warmth thata never there or mumbling to me in your sleep. l can't wake you up when your dreams turn to nightmares, l have to sit and watching you kicking and screaming. l know you're hurt, okay? But if you think for one moment that hurting yourself more wil fix that? l don't think l'd be able to cope. So please just promise me that you won't touch this stuff again and if you start to think suicides a good idea for Gods sake talk to someone, one pf the guys or whoever because we both know that l'm usless now." Barronè watches me with wide eyes as l give him my speach, when l'm done he nodds and crawls back into my arms. Fortunatly we're alone or he would look insane. l really hope that he took what l said on board, l meant every word of it.

"Come on Shaney, lets get you home."

Barronès POV:

I pulled open the door of the flat and whispered a final "l love you" to Drew, knowing l wouldn't be able to speak to him around the rest of the guys without looking mad. As the door clicks shut Laurence comes running out and l remember why l'd ran off in the first place. Is he going to make me leave? Does he hate me now?

All my worries are pushexd aside for a moment when he lets out a terrified scream and backs away into a corner. "You're back! How? HOW?" He yells at me.

"l-l walked?" l tell him, trying not to appear smart assed.

"N-not you! D-Drew!" He exclaimed!

The Timids: Oh, Honey You Know It Ain't Easy. (Fearless Vampire Killers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now