When You Go.

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Luke's P.O.V:

I was starting to get really worried about Drew and Barronè, we haven't seen them since they left and that was almost two hours ago. Neither of them had their phones because they had both rushed off without them. Normally they're pretty good letting us know where they're going, but obviously the situation was different today.

"They're probably off having a hot Timid make out session as we speak." Kier said.

"Probably." I agreed we all knew that the boys were together, but we aren't going to force them to admit it. "Do they honestly believe that we don't know about them? They're so obviously in love." Laurence said thoughtfully.

"They're so sweet." I added.

Maybe we should lay off them a little, we're obviously stressing Drew out. I don't know why he wouldn't just tell us,vsurely he knows that we wouldn't care? I would have thought that Barronè would have told us by now, he hates keeping secrets, but by the looks of things Drew wasn't letting him.

"Give them half an hour and then if they're not back we'll go look for them." I said.

The Timids: Oh, Honey You Know It Ain't Easy. (Fearless Vampire Killers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now