Frieza Part 2: Death

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(Revised February 2017)

Vegeta's POV:
I lost everything. My home planet, my pride, my dignity. I would never be as good as Freeza or Kakarrot; I was always one step behind. In the end, I knew Y/n would be no match for Frieza, and our fates would be the same.

"Frieza, your tyranny has come to an end," she told him.

Her body was surrounded by a red aura as her Ki slowly rose. She closed her eyes and made no movements.

"You're wide open!" Frieza screamed as he hurled a blast at her.

Without opening her eyes, she punched it away and it exploded in the sky.

Freeza stepped back. "What are you?"

"You just threatened the lives of my friends, and you killed one of them. Right now, I'm your worst nightmare." She smirked and opened her eyes.

Her eyes blazed blue, and I couldn't reach her mind.

She kicked Frieza with a war cry, and he flew back. She appeared behind him, and they started to fight at such fast speed. She elbowed him in the stomach, and he plummeted into the water. Her vision was down, and she suddenly elbowed the space next to her. Freeza's face jerked back as blood poured out.

"How did you-" Frieza said in shock, "You retch! I'll kill this whole planet!"

She snarled, "Let me see you try."

They both started charging their blasts, and when they threw theirs at each other, Frieza was blasted into space. Y/n fell to her knees and started coughing. Kakarrot's son ran to her.

"Y/n! Are you alright?" He said and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah," she sighed, "I didn't know I had that in me."

She smiled at him, and he gasped.

"What color are they?" She asked.

"They're a mix between purple and blue," he informed her.

"You like 'em?"

"Yeah I do! Does this mean you can hold him off 'till my dad comes?"

"Hold him off? I think I can; I just beat his ass. How's Vegeta doing?"

She turned to me, and I wanted to close my mouth but I couldn't. She was just so... beautiful. The way her eyes sparked, the way the aura flamed around her. How do you explain someone like that? Someone like her? She crouched next to me, and looked at me.

"Your ass is staying alive," she said to me.

She put a hand on my stomach and I screamed in pain. She pressed my shoulder to the ground so I wouldn't resist.

"You can't heal me completely?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No, I can't. Hopefully you can be fixed."

"This isn't how I expected to die," I told her.

Y/n's POV:
I replied sadly, "I know."

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