Waves of Babidi?

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(Revised June 2017)

"King Kai!" I yelled.

Something crashed, and a yell followed it.

"One day you're going to come visit me in peace! What is it?!" He yelled at me from inside the gray hut.

I rambled, "An Ederian came and wiped Vegeta's memory and it seems like she made him kill a bunch of people at the Tournament, and he doesn't remember it happening, so what am I supposed to do? Give him back the memories? Make him think he didn't do anything wrong and lie to his face like how he did to me or what? I'm so confused; how am I supposed to give memories back? Does he even want them?"

"Slow down, slow down. Did you just say an Ederian landed on Earth?" King Kai asked me.

I nodded. "Vegeta said something about my mother?"

"She looks just like you right?"

I nodded again. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know!" He said exasperated. "There's never been anything like this. What are we supposed to do?"

I threw up my hands with a concerned look on my face.

"I can't leave because what if she comes back and Earth can't protect itself? And but... wait what? But I can't train on Earth because it can't sustain my gravity so..." I ran my hands through my wet hair. "Oh! He also said Baba told him to do it? Even though I know he's lying?"

"Baba? Accept such violence?" King Kai looked at me and his black eyes widened. "Unless someone made it seem like it was Baba."

I stared at him. "Are you telling me I have more undiscovered powers?"

"It might be so; like I told you the book doesn't contain everything. Ederians are basically myths."

I bit my lip.

"So I can't help Vegeta?" I asked him.

King Kai shook his head. "I'm afraid his memories are lost. It would be best to keep it from him. Let him rest for tonight, and if something happens again in the near future tell him."

I nodded. "Okay okay. I-"

"Hi, King Kai!"

My heart literally stopped beating because of how much he scared me.

"Goku," I asked, "what are you doing here?"

He answered, "You were right; my day is up."

I sagged. "Goddamn it."

"But! Baba said if the Earth is ever in serious danger, she'd allow me back for one more day," he told me.

I nodded. "Okay, that's good."

I wrapped my arms around him, and we hugged for about a minute.

"So I don't tell him?" I asked King Kai when I pulled away.

King Kai nodded. "Remember, only if something happens again."

"Okay, okay, got it," I said.

Goku said, "You're really anxious."

"Yeah I know," I laughed. "Goodbye."

"I'll see you again; I promise," Goku told me with a smile.

I smiled back and disappeared.


"Mom!" Akiko yelled.

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