Cell Part 2: A Tournawhat?

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(Revised May 2017)

Cell flew so he was in front of Vegeta. The two of them didn't say anything, and Cell blasted away.

My jaw dropped open, and I started for Cell. Trunks got there first, and they began to fight.

"'We need to prepare for Cell'," I mocked him, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Vegeta replied, "It would be a good challenge."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're motherfucking unbelievable," I scoffed.

Trunks yelled, "NO!"

I whirled around, and Cell had spotted Sixteen and Eighteen. My eyes widened, and I shot towards the Androids.

"Krillin, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him. "Get them out of here!"

Eighteen asked me, "Why are you helping us?"

"Because your asses aren't a threat to me, and I'm the only one who can protect you. Hurry, let's go," I told her.

She looked at Sixteen.

I snapped, "This isn't a debate!"

I turned around to look at the battle while we all hustled away. Trunks punched Cell into the ground, and we started to run. Cell rose from the dirt, and Trunks tried attacking him again. A blast came down on him, and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Vegeta! What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed at him.

Vegeta said, "Trunks, leave him be. Let him power up."

"Of fucking course," I sighed. "Let's go, now."

"Are you insane?! He's going to kill everyone including you!" Trunks yelled at his father.

"I said no!"

Trunks screamed, "I won't live through another broken universe!"

Trunks blasted Vegeta away, and I bit my lip. Krillin yelled; I whipped my head to look at him, and Cell was crushing his neck. I kicked Cell's head to get it off of him, and Cell's tail shot at me. I bent my knees to evade it, and it latched onto Eighteen.

Why didn't she run?!

I shot for Cell, but a blinding blast of energy shot me back. I skidded against the earth and groaned in pain. The ground under me shook, and my eyes couldn't adjust enough to see what was happening.

I felt a large power surge and cursed myself silently. What was the point of having immense powers if it couldn't save people?

My eyes fixated on Krillin trying to attack Cell, but it threw him off with a kick that almost ended Krillin's life.

Trunks gave Krillin a senzu bean, and Vegeta and Cell started fighting. I quickly healed all my injuries while I was down and assessed the battle field. I was first, and then it was Trunks and Vegeta.

Goddamn it! I cursed myself. He's gonna fucking lose and be a little bitch about it.

Cell and Vegeta moved extremely fast, but my eyes could keep up with everything. They even kept up with Vegeta's anger. Everything I taught him seemed to go out the window because his technique was sloppy. Cell punched Vegeta to the ground and turned to me.

"I know you're suppressing your powers. Why don't you come and join the fight? It'll be fun," he taunted.

I told him with my arms crossed. "Wow, you finally have a nose."

"You're really a beauty. It's a shame I have to kill you," Cell said and touched my hair and face. I angrily broke it's arm. It jerked back, and I rammed my fist into Cell's stomach.

I heard Vegeta's laugh and turned around; all the islands around us were shaking.

Krillin yelled, "Vegeta, no! You'll destroy the planet! Everybody duck!"

What? I thought.


My eyes widened, and I flew away from the fight. When I was a safe distance away, the wind picked up in my hair; I caught Vegeta's smirk from across the sky.

"Of all the people," I muttered.

When the smoke billowed and cleared, only mushes of Cell's body were scattered across the ground. I cringed in disgust, but remembered what he had told us. My eyes widened with the realization.

It's Cell. His cells are literally made from all of ours, so he can regenerate. Holy fuck, how do we beat something that can only come back?

Vegeta's triumphant laughs were quelled with Cell's quick regeneration. Cell threw a big blast at Vegeta, and it wounded him. Before Vegeta could hit the ground, Cell punched and battered him. His hair turned black and I sighed in annoyance.

Trunks' energy spiked, and I was grateful Vegeta's was unconscious. Trunks and Cell fought, and Krillin took Vegeta away from the battlefield.

Before he left he told me, "You know you're the strongest. What are you waiting for?"

The question rang through my head as I watched the fight. As much power as I had, could I really do it? Why did everyone have so much faith in me? Could I even hurt Cell enough?

I caught Trunks telling Cell about the Androids of his time.

"I wasn't a match for them. I couldn't do anything, so they overpowered everyone," Trunks confessed.

Cell smirked. "I'm waiting for history to repeat itself."

Trunks' energy felt the same, but he was immensely strong. So where was the energy coming from?

"I'm impressed... but you still cannot beat me," Cell said.

Trunks' punches were fruitless; Cell only dodged and beat him up even further. After his head slammed into the ground, Trunks gave up.

"How did you get so strong in such little time?" Cell asked Trunks, but the boy didn't answer. "If you had more time could you get stronger?"

"Why do you want to know?" Trunks asked.

Cell responded, "Where is Goku training?"

I cut in. "That is no concern of yours."

Cell smirked, "What about a tournament?"

"A who now?" I blinked.

"The tournament begins in 10 days; I will give you a second chance," Cell told us.

Trunks and I looked at each other.

"Why do you want to make a tournament?!" Trunks asked him.

Cell answered, "I want to test all your powers. Including you, doll!" He yelled up at me. "I want to show everyone there is none equal to me! I'm going to fight everyone; Y/n last. I want to get as much as I can before I destroy this earth. I want to fight Goku as well. Ten days! Tell your friends."

Cell flew off into the distance with Trunks standing in awe. We stared at each other and I ran my hands through my hair.

Ten days to save humanity.

Hello Saiyans 😌💓 school isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I just need to eat in the morning 😂😭. How are you guys liking the story? Comment and star love you! Xx (August?? September?? 2015)

I'm done with life and school. I really am. This is bUlLsHiT. (May 5, 2017)

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