A What?

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(revised May 2017)

Trunks stood there, motionless.

I started, "Trunks..."

He created an explosion, and I braced myself against it.

"Trunks," I said.

"I-I couldn't do it, now innocent people are going to die. Why couldn't you kill him when you had the chance?!" He yelled at me.

"The fuck?" I scrunched up my face. "That's not my goddamn fault; I never had a clear shot. And you were so hell bent on defeating him that only you and Vegeta fought. And how the hell are we going to kill something that can only regenerate?"

His angry stare turned into realization, and he let out another scream. I twisted a piece of my black hair in my hands anxiously. Two familiar power sources were flying this way, and one of them made me furious. Vegeta and Krillin touched down in front of us, and Trunks told them about the fight.

"A tournament?" Krillin asked, "Do we just go train again?"

I asked, "What good is that going to do? We only have ten days."

"It's better than nothing, Y/N," Krillin told me.
I knew in my heart that I had to be the one to kill Cell. The training I had spent with King Kai should have heightened by Ederian side, but what if I had already been using my powers without knowing it? How much was there still left to uncover?

"Y/N!" someone shouted.

I snapped, "What?"

Krillin sighed, "You see?"

"Sorry. W-what is it?" I asked.

"We're going to Master Roshi's," Krillin told me.

I nodded and blasted off towards the island in the middle of nowhere. A million thoughts swam through my mind. Just seeing Vegeta made me angry. Cell could've been defeated today, but his pride was so strong he just had to see how far he could go. Goddamnit. Why was he always looking to pick fights he couldn't finish?

When I got there, Bulma and Yamcha were speaking with Roshi.

"Where's everyone else?" Yamcha asked me.

I huffed, "They'll be here soon. Listen..."

I told them everything that happened, and they all sighed in annoyance. When the others arrived, Bulma slapped Vegeta, and I refrained from laughing. Roshi told everyone about the Martial Arts Tournaments that Goku, Krillin, Chi Chi, and I had entered when we were kids. I smiled at my innocence as a child.

Two other familiar energies surged in the distance, and I knew Goku and Gohan finally emerged out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. I sensed them coming over here, and everyone pieced together the story for them.

"This time," Goku announced, "Gohan's fighting."

Chi Chi yelled, "Absolutely not!"

"Chi Chi, he has to," Goku said softly.

Oh fuck, he's not playing around. How far did Gohan get? I asked myself.

I could feel the gears turning in Chi Chi's head. After a minute, a small alright sounded. I smiled at Chi Chi from the screen.

"I know," I said, "I know."


The next day, I woke up on the couch to sounds of horror. It was the smack that yanked me out of my sleep, and the moan that make me want to retreat. When I heard Roshi's excited squeal he always used to do around women, I mentally rolled my eyes for getting in such a situation. When the TV went static, I reluctantly opened my eyes.

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