The Tournament: Goku vs Vegeta

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(Revised June 2017)

The whole area was quiet as the two Saiyans stared at each other. If Goku lost, Vegeta would never let him hear the end of it. If Vegeta lost, he'd train worse than he ever did before; his pride would kill him.

"FIGHT!" The announcer screamed.

The entire was so quiet I could've heard something from a mile away. Vegeta lunged at Goku, and the world screamed; the fight began.

"You can't beat me Kakarrot!" Vegeta taunted with a kick.

"We'll see about that!" Goku joked with a punch.

I was almost one hundred percent sure I could be the only one seeing them fight. In a second, they were on opposite sides of the ring, and a sense of dread filled me. Goku flew into the air and positioned himself.

I gasped. GOKU! A Kamehameha?! You'll kill them!

Don't worry Y/n. When have I ever let my Kamehameha go crazy?

I've got a bad feeling; please don't.

I'll be fine; I promise.

I chewed at my lip as the dread within me thickened. A sudden anger burst within me, and I staggered with the weight of it. I touched my chest and looked toward Vegeta.

The Kamehameha was fired, and Vegeta blocked it. Goku tried to control it, but it seemed like it was too powerful.

"No!" I screamed and flashed in front of the stands.

I held out my arms and created a force field behind me. The attack hit me with so much force, I almost collapsed on impact. I flew into my force field and violently bounced off onto the arena. The stands caught on fire, and all I could hear was a dull ringing in my ears.

Something else happened, and I was blown away again. I struggled to stand and looked around. Two sides of the stadium were up in smoke and flames. I slowly turned to the ring, and Vegeta had his hand out.

Someone grabbed me, and I looked at the speaker. Gohan was screaming something, but I could hear what he was saying.

"What-" I yelled. "What are you saying?!"

He continued to talk, but I could hear absolutely nothing. He pointed somewhere and nodded.

I said, "W-what? I have no idea..."

Gohan nodded and ran away. I held my forehead and tried to breathe. I turned to the two men fighting on the field. My hearing slammed into me and the screams and cries filled my ears.

"Vegeta! What are you doing?! How could you kill people like that?!" Goku yelled in Vegeta's face.

I held my head once more and took out my wristbands.

"Three hundred." I pressed my lips to them and felt the gravity weigh me down.

I flashed and was between the men in a second. Vegeta stared at me in confusion for a second, and my fist connected with his nose. Anger welled inside me, and I knew it wasn't mine. My nose duly ached, and I punched Vegeta with my other hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Y-you aren't like... this! Why the fuck did you kill those innocent people?! You knew I couldn't protect them!" I screamed at him as I pushed him.

He gripped my arms and shoved me back.

"I don't have to explain myself to anyone," he spat in my face.

I grabbed him by the jaw and squeezed.

"You will have to answer to me if I find my children within the rubble," I snarled.

I turned to Goku. "Are they safe?"

"They were on a different side; they're fine," he told me.

I stared at Vegeta. "Find Dende; we need a wish."

His fist connected with my gut, and I let him go.

"For years, all I heard anything about was Kakarrot. You killed him. You want to be coddled and treated like a fucking baby? Get over it!" He yelled at me.

I clenched my jaw.

"Are you motherfucking jealous or what?" I snarled. "Jealous because I'll love Goku more than I'll ever love you?"

Vegeta screamed, "I'll kill him!"

My eyes blazed blue. "Fucking try me."

Vegeta lunged at me, and I punched him. I kicked him up and slammed him back down into the earth. I screamed and punched Vegeta repeatedly. I heard his nose and jaw break, and I decided I had enough.

"I am taking my kids, and getting as far away from you and your sick ass," I yelled down at him. "This is not you. Are you forgetting we feel the same things, dumbass?!"

A purple light started to appear around him, so I grabbed Goku and flew into the sky. The arena was obliterated with the force of the Galic Gun, and I almost had a mind to unleash my Dakvan Cama.

"I AM A SAIYAN PRINCE! I WILL HAVE PRIDE!" He screamed at me from the ground.


Instantly he was in front of me. Time seemed to slow down as I let go of Goku and stared into Vegeta's eyes. In the entire time we were together, I had never seen him this insane, ruthless, of merciless. On any planet, I had never seen him so unhinged.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. "Who got into your head?"

He spat, "You made me soft. You made me weak, and I can't tolerate that."

Doubt immediately filled my heart. Did he ever really care about me?

"Move!" Goku yelled.

I turned around and flashed away. A blast collided with Vegeta, and I screamed in pain from the ground. I gripped the grass as I tried to breathe. Vegeta's body slammed into the ground, and I realized how much my body ached.

I flashed and was instantly on top of one of the sides of the damaged arena. Tears fell from my eyes as I saw crying children and parents holding littered corpses.

King Kai's voice filled my mind. You can't heal the dead, or a heart. Those are the only limits to your healing.

I tore myself away and appeared next to Goku.

"We need to keep him at bay, and we need to get everyone to Dende," I told him.

Goku started, "Y/n-"

"I'm fine. My fucking God all I wanted was a simple day with you. Go to your family; I'll deal with mine." I turned to Vegeta's unconscious body.

Goku started again, "Y/n-"

"He's my mate. I have to figure out everything. Go."

He squeezed my shoulder and transmitted away.

I sighed, "What the fuck am I gonna do with you, Vegeta. I loved you. What's going on?"

"What if I just transmit him away?" Goku asked.

I jumped. "What? Yeah, just still on Earth."

Goku nodded. "Okay."

He grabbed Vegeta's body and transmitted away.

I love myself, and my family can't make me feel any different. I hated myself for years but then I thought, why do I hate myself? I should be happy! And months and years past and I finally did. I'm always here if you need me 💓.
ON A HAPPY NOTE! Yes I know what I'm doing with my story! And it's only going to get better! We got to see some angry Veggie here 👀 and protective Goku. Alas, the tournament shalt not continue. (Okay I had to put that there) thank you all 5k of you. I hope I get 10k by my 14th birthday in December (it sucks being the last one in your grade to turn 14 😂😭) OKAY ENOUGH RAMBLING! Love you guys bye! Xx

Well fuck ew I took out all the cheating shit Goku and Y/n did. God bless let's figure out how Y/n's gonna deal w all of this :) (June 8 2017)

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