57: Broken Walls

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(Revised October 1st, 2017)

Once again, the Z Fighters gathered the Dragon Balls to reverse the massive damage on Earth; they brought back the thousand people slaughtered and erased Y/n's tainted existence from the mortals' minds, but the Dragon couldn't magically make her heal faster.

Vegeta felt as though he didn't have a heart. Akiko and Tsuneo grew up much before their time, but they knew they had to take care of both their parents. Vegeta felt disgusted having his children take care of such mundane things, but they couldn't let the house collect dirt as Y/n was in a coma.

"We don't mind," Tsuneo said.

Akiko nodded. "We promise. We don't want you overworking yourselves."

Vegeta stared at them sadly, and the nine year olds kissed their father's cheeks; he watched as they walked away. He never expected to show so much affection, but love exuded from his beautiful wife and he couldn't help it. The entire house was filled with it, but he was happy to know his children weren't growing in a cold environment, even if their family was split.


In six months, the Ederian Saiyan woke.

Her black eyes slowly opened, and she found herself in a dimly lit room. Her tired arm draped over her eyes as she sighed; she groggily rubbed her eyes and moved from the bed. Her knees crashed into the floor, and she chuckled. Y/n forced herself to stand and pressed her hand to her chest. No hole, no blood; she was healed, she was okay. The door slammed open, and Y/n looked up to find Vegeta staring at her.

"Hi love, how's it going?" She asked lightly and chuckled.

He ran to her, and she sighed in his arms. Two other bodies collided into her and she laughed.

"I missed you all so much," Y/n said softly.

Tsuneo squeezed her harder. "Me too! I missed you so much! Are you okay! Can you stand!"

"Hi, mom," Akiko said softly.

Y/n said, "I didn't hear a word any of you just said."

Vegeta chuckled, and everyone pulled away. Y/n smiled down at her children, and they beamed at her. She ran her hands through her children's hair.

"What have you two been up to?" She asked them.

They both simultaneously answered and Y/n smiled at them. Actually, she understood what both were saying, and Vegeta could never understand how she ever did it.

"Alright," Y/n said with a smile. "How about you tell me all about it after a nice meal okay?"

The twins yelled, "Okay!" And raced downstairs to the kitchen.

Y/n smiled and turned to her beautiful husband.

"Hello," she said softly as she ran her hands over Vegeta's face.

Vegeta closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.

"I missed you so much," he said quietly.

Y/n hugged him tightly. "As I have for you."

Vegeta pulled away to kiss her passionately, and Y/n happily kissed him back. Vegeta kissed all over her face as she laughed, and he reveled in it.

"I never wanna be without you again," he said in her neck.

"And you won't have to be." Was said by two women.

The couple turned to find Shun in the room with a black bag in her hands.

Y/n gasped and immediately put Vegeta behind her.

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