Chapter 2- Waiting

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*Stephen POV*

"Klay, listen. I almost killed a girl in the mall today."

"Aw man, what did I tell you about going out in public? My boy got them killer looks!" He says with a chuckle. 

"I don't really think this is funny, the whole store is at a standstill! She's in the back and the other workers are helping her steady her breathing." I say without stopping to breathe.

"Ah okay calm down, you don't know if her attack was about you or not. These types of things happen to people with asthma regularly... Well it depends." He trails off.

What he says doesn't make me feel better. 

"Well that's the thing. I do know it was about me. She looked me right in the eyes, took a deep breath and started hyper ventilating-" 

He cuts me off.

"BUUUUT, you don't know anything. Are you forgetting you're famous as hell?! She could hate you more than anything, & your sitting there worried about her." he says. 

"Yeah well smart guy she's definitely a fan. You know why? Because she had on a bracelet with my name on it, MY WHOLE NAME. Man I hope she's okay." i say in panic.

God please let her be okay. 

"Hellllllooooooooooo" Klay says obviously annoyed.

"While you playing, her friend had one with your whole name on it too." I say with regret. I didn't really mean to throw her under the bus. 

"Aye she cute cause I-" he begins

"Yeah shes too cute for you Klay. Way too cute when I think about it." I say laughing. I can tell he's trying to cheer me up. It's working for the moment. "But bro i'm gonna talk to you when I get home. Save some pizza rolls for me please." I say pleading.

"You know how much I love pizza rolls man." he says laughing.

"Oh alright, the girl with the pretty eyes is coming, I gotta go." I say as I hang up.

The girl the pretty eyes walks up to me and gives me a warm look. You can tell she's a fan. She was looking at me for a good minute and finally says "If you're wondering about her, she's in the back taking a break. If you wanna go check on her personally." She gives me a look I don't really have time to think about right now. 

I slowly walk to the back of the store, I can't figure out if I should knock or if I should just go in. I think I'm gonna go with knocking. I knock on the door soft and slow. 

No answer.

What? No. I did not just get rejected. I knock a little harder.

I hear a soft voice. Honestly her voice is the most precious thing I've ever heard. I hear her say "Who is it?" I'm a little skeptical to tell her. I don't want to upset her. I calmly ask her "Can I come in please?" There's a bit of shuffling i hear inside the room, then she finally says yes. I open the door slowly, she lifts her head up and her eyes sadden. Call me cocky, but I actually thought she'd be happy to see me. She looks so fragile. Like if I gave her a high five her arm would go flying. 

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"You know you don't have to baby me. I'm a big girl." She says as she gets up.

"I'm sorry-" I began.

"You don't have to apologize" she begins, then takes a drink of her water, "It's not your fault, it happens sometimes." she says with a chuckle.

Klay was right. I am a dick.

"I meant I was sorry for grabbing your hand, it was completely out of my character." I say as I scratch my head. This girl looks like an angel. She's not just the standard beautiful either. I quickly notice the tiny but noticeable scar on her left cheek. I think everything about her is beautiful. I quickly snap out of it as i notice she's been talking for a minute. 

"You got a little bit of... drool. Right there." And she points to my mouth. Of course there isn't any drool there. Girls and their cruel jokes. She laughs hard and opens the door to the room. She stands to feel the air coming in. 

"It was getting hot in here huh?" She says winking, and then laughing again. I do a full check of my face before I say anything else, to make sure I'm drool free. Then my phone goes flying out of my hand and on to the floor. Great now this girl thinks I'm a goof. I quickly pick it up, but it falls again. 

She picks up my phone and hands it to me. "Struggling?" she says with another laugh. God this girl is goofy. I need to leave right now because I am more attracted than ever. She goes back out into the store and I follow. "Bye Curry." she says with a smile. Her smile is sensational. I walk over to her friend with the pretty eyes, and I ask her for angel face's number. It bothers me that I don't know her name. I hand her my phone and she puts it in for me. As I walk out of the store I look at the contact name she put in. 


I need to call Klay.

testing the waters ➳ stephen curry & klay thompson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now