Chapter 12- Happy Anniversary

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*Stephen's POV*

Ayesha works my last nerve, she must be real bold to call Tae. She called the first person in my call log and actually got the right person. I just wish she would mind her own business. I would never ever consider getting back together with her after, we got divorced and she tried to sleep with Klay. He would never go through with that and told me right away.  He even sent me the screen shots of texts and let me listen to a phone conversation he recorded. My man has my back. I know Ayesha is a pretty good looking woman, so it means a lot that he wouldn't hurt me like that. You don't find friends like that anymore. After that,  I pretty much cut all contact with her that didn't have anything to do with Riley. In fact the only reason I went over there was to drop Riley back off. I would never do anything that would jeopardize what I have with Tae. I don't know exactly what that I'd but,  my ex wife calling her like we were still married doesn't exactly give me cool points. And now she's not accepting my calls. Shit babygirl. I get into my car and I look in my mirrors and I see that I left Riley's car seat in my car, so I pull it out of the back seat and walk my way back to the front door.

As soon as I walk in, Ayesha attacks me with kisses. I'm struggling but she's got a tight grip on me. And then she places her hands over my private areas and starts to rub up and down.  I have basketball shorts on so that's basically easy access. This is everything I don't want to happen. I manage to break free of her and back up a little bit.

"I JUST WANTED TO GIVE YOU BACK THE FUCKING CAR SEAT. " I scream as I look at the ceiling. 

"Baby, I made a mistake. I need you back. We need you back." she pleads

"No, don't make this about Riley. Riley is perfectly fine. Stop being selfish."

"I can't handle hearing you talk about someone else. It kills me." as she says this Riley walks out of media room.

"Ayesha, I'm not doing this to myself. I love someone else. We are over. The divorce has been final for over a year. Please don't do this in front of Riley." I shout.

"I love you Stephen. I have always loved you.  If you wanna give up what we had for some hoe then be my guest." she says sounding kind of annoyed.

And the one thing that I cannot tolerate, the one thing that burns my soul the most is when people talk down on Tae when they don't even know her. Her comment struck a nerve and I lose my mind almost. 

"Listen, I don't care what you have to say about us or whatever because there is no us. But the one thing that I will not let you do, is talk bad about her. You know absolutely nothing about her-" I get cut off by Riley

"Daddy please come home." she says sweetly.  And it almost brings tears in my eyes. So I bend down and say, 

"Would you like to come live with  daddy?" I say trying to sound happy.

"OH YES OH YES,  CAN MOMMY COME TOO? " she screams excitedly

"No little one. Mommy has to stay here in this house. Pack her things,  all of her things. And I mean it Ayesha."

"She's not coming with you Stephen." she says trying to hold back tears.

I look down at my leg to see Riley clinging on to tightly. "I don't think you have much of a choice."

*Tae's POV*

Blake makes me laugh so much, and that's something I love most definitely,  a man that can make me laugh. An instant panty dropper. I need him to stop being so attractive right now.  He takes me to my favorite place which is Red Lobster. Of course he pays for any and everything I want. And I'm thankful for that cause momma don't eat salads and all that light stuff.  I need those calories. We're on the way back to my place and I take Stephen off of the block list finally. Then like 500 frantic texts, calls and voicemails flood My phone all at once,  glitching it and I can't use it for the moment. I cannot believe he blew my phone up. I take my head phones out of my purse and plug them into my phone and press play on voicemail #1

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