Chapter 5- She's All That

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*Stephens POV*


I'm in the bathroom washing my face. I literally haven't stopped thinking about this girl all day. See I knew I should have just went about my business today and now I'm sitting here wondering if she's okay. It's the same thought every 10 minutes or so, 

Is she okay? Is she thinking about today as much as I am? I mean how can she not? Stephen Curry grabbed her hand , Stephen freaking Curry was staring at her angel face with heart eyes.

Not to sound cocky but she better be thinking about me. I know a lot of girls would kill for me to look at them the way I looked at her, and she just laughed me off. That hit my pride hard. But I'm gonna go out to this party and mingle with other single people in hopes to get her out of my mind.


*Destiny's POV*


I swear Tae driving like a grandma. The party starts in 10 minutes, I know what she's doing. 

"Drive faster." I say

" I'm going the speed limit."

"Everybody knows you go 10 over the speed limit"

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." she says quietly.

"Don't do that punk bitch shit. Momma ain't raise no punks."

"I know" she says as he presses the gas a little harder. 

"We need more then 5 over Tae."

She just looks at me, then slowly accelerates. 

"I almost forgot how crazy you were about Klay Thompson. I'll be glad when you guys have sex already and you can stop bothering me." she says with a laugh.

Goofy self

"I'll never stop bothering you." 

"Oh believe me, I know. I just can't wait until he takes some the attention off me & you focus on your love life instead of mine."

"I'm just sitting here wondering where that girl from high school is. The girl with a collage of Stephen Curry posters on her wall. A Stephen Curry Lanyard, and Every single color Jersey and T-shirt they ever made with his name on it. You even have his Davidson jerseys. That girl would kill to be invited to party he was going to be at." I say as I slump down in my seat. 

"I know, I'm looking for her too.. I just don't want to get too excited for something that probably wont happen. I don't wanna get my hopes up. And besides he's 6 years older than me. You don't think that's weird?" she says 


"I think your overreacting. Lets just go have fun." I say quickly as we pull up to his gate. 

I am determined to find my man tonight. 


*Klay's POV*


As they walk in, I immediately know which one is "Angel Face" as he calls her. I hide behind the staircase to get a good look at the other one. I didn't want her to notice me too soon. 

Wow, she's a dime. Everything I imagined she was. I say a silent prayer, thanking the heavens.

I take a look at "Angel Face" again. Stephen did great once again. She looks so innocent. And it gives you this overwhelming feeling to protect her. I can't stop saying wow to myself honestly. Those bathing suits fit their curves perfectly. I need to stop staring. All of a sudden Stephen sneaks up on me, and I scream hella loud. The music was on full blast so no one heard anything. I turn around obviously annoyed.

"What are you looking at, or more importantly who? He says as he eyes me. Then looks in the direction I was looking. Luckily they were gone. I was safe. Until they meet again. 

I don't think Steph found out her friends name for me. Until i know her name, I'm gonna call her "Green Eyes."

& Green Eyes is mine.


*Tae's POV*

I walk in and almost instantly dash for the pool. Destiny is struggling to keep up with me and check out the place at the same time. There are so many beautiful people here. 

"Girl hold on I need to find my man..."She pauses. "Is that KOBE BRYANT??" she squeals.

"Don't be a groupie Dest." i say quietly

"I be right back. You okay here alone for a minute?"

"Yeah girl, go do your thing." I say soaking up the sun. I watch her leave and go over to Kobe. He looks like quite the smooth talker.  From what I've heard, that's exactly what he is. I watch them laughing for a quick minute. Then I turn back around and put my sunglasses on. Then a big shadow steps in front of me, blocking the sun. Annoyed with life at the moment. I sit up and there's this big muscular figure in front of me, He has his back turned so I cant see who he is. Then all of a sudden this man dives into the pool. Basically getting me all wet. I stand up. Looking around wondering where that man went. He finally comes to the surface of the pool and I'm just staring at him. My attitude is on fleek right now. He sees my face and knows what he's done automatically. He swims over to where I am and I bend down, finally seeing his face clearly I'm about to pass out. 

That's it. No more parties for me. It's Blake Griffin. Blake freaking Griffin. This isn't happening to me. Be cool Tae.

"Hi?" he says nervously 


"I'm sorry?"He says with a smile

I cant help but laugh at how he says it. He looks like a teddy bear. I like teddy bears. 

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize. I was just about to get in." I lied.

"Well what are you waiting for? he says cooly.

I guess I have no choice.

I put my phone down on the the chair I was gloriously relaxing on and climb in. I shudder a bit.   

"Whoa this water is cold." I say, trying to keep my cool.

"You'll get use to it, I promise." he says as he winks.

Is he flirting with me?

"I'm hungry, where can I find the food?"

"Ah my guess is in the kitchen, I can help you find it if you want." he says laughing.

"That would be nice." I say a little embarrassed. 

Blake climbs out of the pool, & grabs my hand to help me get out of the pool. I get my stuff and he leads me back to the house, on the way I see Destiny still sitting and talking to Kobe. She's laughing and he has his arm around her. OOOOOOMAAGAWD. She sees me with Blake and shouts, 

"OOOOH I SEE YOU GIRL." with a thumbs up. 

I put my head down and Blake smiles. He grabs my hand and makes me walk faster. Our hands seem to fit together. He smells so freaking good. 

I finally snap out of it because I notice were in the kitchen and I'm still holding his hand. He bends down and says,

"We're here, you can let go now." he says laughing. 

I just start laughing. Me and him are talking for a little while and I notice someone familiar in the corner of my eye. 

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