Chapter 29- Old Friend

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*Klay's POV*

"Who the fuck is Hannah and why is she texting you?" Destiny shouts from the restroom. 

"I told you about this a long time ago, she's an old ex of mine. She's history. I forgot all about her when I met you babe, and I don't know why she texted me, I'm not opening it." I said locking my phone and laying my head down. 

"Better not open it, block her." Dest shouts from the bathroom. 

"That's stupid, I'm not gonna block her." 

Destiny walks out of the bathroom, butt ass naked. 

"Your not gonna do what?" she says with a hitch in her voice. 

I lift my head up and raise my eye brows. "I'm not gonna block her." 

"Fine. That's fine." She says walking back into the bathroom. 

"So we alright?" I said laying my head back down.


"Girl what the hell?" 

She comes back out of the bathroom. Obviously irritated, and still very naked. 

"Just leave me alone Klay." she says resting her head on the door frame. 

Why do women like to argue when they naked?

"What I do this time?" I said cutting my eyes at her. 

"You wont do what I say. You know I hate that."

"You know I hate that unnecessary stuff. You can't control everything pumpkin."

I grab the TV remote, then I turn on the TV. She keeps talking but I'm not really paying attention to her. I turn the volume up on her. We don't usually fight at all, but Dest is very territorial, and I try to tell her that I should be protective of her, instead of her always trying to be protective of me. I'm not going anywhere. This woman has me sprung. I'd be crazy to leave her. I'd never want to lose her, which is why I'm not gonna tell her what Hannah texted me, or that I even opened the message in the first place. Hannah said she had something to tell me and it's important. Even though I don't really care for her, I would like to know what she's talking about, especially since she said it's not something she can say over the phone. Dest comes in front of me, throwing my thought process off, cause like I said she was naked. 

"So you not listening to me?" She says pressing the button on the cable box, turning the cable completely off. I sit back on the bed, and press my lips together. 

"So you being rude?" She says looking into my eyes. I look down, not really saying anything. 

"Answer me damnit!!" She screams. There's a knock on the wall from the room next to us, Tae's room. We hear her say "Shut the hell up." I  can understand. It is 2:30 in the morning. 

"Come here baby." I say calmly.

"Oh, what has your attention now? These?" She says pointing to her breasts. 

"Fucking right, come here." I said laughing. 


"Okay I'll block her." I say sticking my arms out. A slow smile spread across her lips and she walked over to me. 

"Yay." she said blandly. 

"You wanna see me block her?" I said pulling out my phone, but she snatches it and put it back down. 

"No, I trust you." She said putting her head on my shoulder. 

"You love me?" 

"Yeah that too." She says smiling, then bending over, kissing my lips softly. 

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