Chapter 7- Silence

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*Tae POV*

How dare he flaunt some bitch in front of me. Honestly I'm about to smack a bitch.

"Blake I'll be right back." I say quickly

"Alright take your time." he says softly.

I walk to the pool and scan the area for Destiny. I'm getting more frustrated. I finally see this lil hoe. 

"DESTINY OOOMAAGAWD." That's like our crisis word. 

"WHAT. What's the emergency?" 

"There's this girl and I think he's doing this intentionally to hurt me. I never asked for any of this." I say nearly in tears. 

"What did I tell you about being a punk bitch, dry those tears baby girl. What about Blake?"

"He's nice, funny and cute. He's dateable." I say.

"Well make him pay with Blake. That's how you get back at him." she says confidently.

"I don't know about mixing fire with fire." 

"Don't let him make a fool out of you. Honestly Y'all don't know each other that well to be playing these games."

"That's what I was just thinking." 

So I walk back into the house and I'm looking for Klay & I run into Stephen instead. 

"Excuse me." I say politely. 

I try to push past him, but he grabs my arm. I try to wiggle free & he's like

"Let me explain."

I don't really say anything as I wiggle out of his grasp over to Klay.

He follows me.

"Klay! My friend is out there waiting on you to come back." I say with a wink.

"OH let me get back to her." he says with a nervous laugh.

He leaves and Stephen is still standing there. I turn and try to walk away again, & He grabs my hand again, I'm just looking around for help when he says, 

"Please talk to me." 

"Excuse me." Someone says. 

I turn and its this girl, she has light blue eyes and long blonde hair. The girl from earlier. His lil girlfriend or whatever. 

"We're you talking to me?" I say 

"Ah no." she says as she gets beside him. "Baeeeeee lets go swimming." 

I just look around slowly. Slightly offended. Then she looks at me and says, 

"Why are you still standing here?" 

I'm looking at her like she just slapped my mom. Who does this trick think she's talking to? Honestly I'll fight a hoe. I just don't think this looks like the best situation right now. It looks like I'm fighting over him. And I don't have time to be fighting over no man. Especially Stephen Curry. So I head outside over to Klay and Destiny, and I am livid. 

"That girl is trying me." I said. Klay chokes on his drink and looks up at me. 

"What girl.?" he says looking a little bit concerned. 

"I don't know her name, but she has blonde hair and light blue eyes." 

"Oh, that's Carmen." he says quietly.

"Well she was being hella rude."

"Wait, rude to you? She don't even know you...." she says getting up. Klay scrambles to get up too. She storms into his house me and Klay following behind. She scans the room and finally finds her in the corner of the room. I think I know what's next. 

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