Chapter 15- Tears

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*Blake's POV*

This is literally the most confusing girl I've ever encountered. No one can say no to Blake Griffin. But she says no all the time. No she doesn't want me to take her on a shopping trip. No she doesn't want me to take her on a romantic date like I want to. No she doesn't want me to come in. In the 6 months that I've known her I've never seen the inside of her house. This is the definition of taking it slow. So I was surprised when she called me, telling to come over and be quick about it, with out giving me a second to say anything back. She set a bear trap and I was about to walk right in it because I'm on my way to her house right now. Only a hour drive from Los Angeles but who's counting the time? I really want to see more of this girl. I thought for sure when I saw those pictures of her and Stephen Curry, that she and him were dating. So imagine My surprise when I knock on the door and she opens it right away, dressed in the sexiest night gown I've ever seen. I walk in and all the lights are off. She tells me to be very quiet. As we make our way down to her room, she has her hand in mine. When we finally get to her room. She closes the door and locks it. Well there's no turning back now. She just looks into my sleepy eyes. It's 4 am. I'd jump out of bed for her any day.

"I'm lonely." she mumbles.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I say as I take off my jacket.

"Come here." she says with a sultry tone.

And in my head I'm thinking, say no more princess. I'll rescue you. I walk over there and she puts her arms around my neck then kisses me deeply. I've never gotten more than a cheek kiss from this girl so I was really turned on and this was new to me. The whole time in order to kiss me she had to stand on the very edge of her tippy toes, so I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me and I instantly get a hard on. It's like my mouth sent a signal to my balls saying It's go time! So I lay her on the bed. Then I sit up and ask,

"Are you sure about this?" she nods her head yes so I continue to kiss her and suck on her neck causing a soft moan to escape from her lips. While I'm doing this she's playing with my hair which gets me even more hot because I love it when girls play with my hair. I slide my hand underneath her gown and into her panties. I look up at her and she gives me the okay to keep going so I massage her clit slowly with my index finger. Her moans become more consistent as I pull her gown off her shoulders exposing her breasts. While still massaging her sweet box I start to suck on her nipples, careful to give each nipple the same amount of attention. She moans louder then covers her mouth. I guess she had other people in the house, but that doesn't stop me. I found that spot on her neck that drives her crazy, I can tell by the way she arched her back. I slide her panties off with one hand pulling my pants down with the other. She starts to bite her lip and I just stand there admiring her naked beauty. I get my underwear off and you can tell I was bigger than she expected by the way she looked at me. She licked her lips even more and that drove me crazy. It was driving her crazy too because she got up and pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me sliding my tip in slowly, then the whole thing. She's riding me like a race horse now and I don't know how much longer im gonna last. I feel a little better as she slows down and lays her body against mine and its just slow strokes. I'm holding her and kissing her lips at the same time. I knew the sex was gonna be good but I didn't know it was gonna be this good. We both climax and she just looks so upset. She kisses me one last time and says "Will you hold me until I fall asleep?" I'll do anything she asks me to, so I'm holding her and checking my phone at the same time and I see a series of tweets and photos about Stephen. The I put my phone down and sigh. Now I know why she looked so upset, and why she called me here at 4 am.

*Destiny's POV*

"Klay what the hell was that?"

"He had a little too much to drink. Way too much when I think about it."

"So what's his reason for acting this way anyway?"

"He was pretty upset when she didn't even reply to his message about him asking her to be his girlfriend."

I move the phone away from my ear.

"How are we gonna fix this KlayBae? You always have a plan."

"Just wait until we come back."

"But wait-"

"What?" he interrupted.

"Oh no rudeness."

"Sorry baby, what were you gonna say? "

" Last night Tae and Blake slept together. She told me this morning about how good it was and how big he was and ect. Maybe I should give him a call."

"Do that and I'll beat your ass girl, think I'm playing."

"Calm down, bo-"

"DESTINY DESTINY DESTINY, Auntie Tae is crying" Riley screamed

"Baby I got to go."

"Wait why is Riley screa-" and I hung up the phone and ran to my friend. She was drying her tears now.

"Why were you crying baby girl?" I say a little concerned

"This isn't healthy. Every time I think I'm close to being happy, life tales me 10 steps back." she says blowing her nose.

"You just gotta take the good with the bad. There's always a little bit of bad in the good and a little bit of good in the bad. That's life. You taught me that"

"I know but it's hard cause he literally just asked me out and then he makes me feel like a fool to everyone who follows him and me by posting those pictures and then slapping me in the face basically with the pictures he sent to us of them kissing. It's too much for me to handle. I love him but I feel like this isn't good for me."

And when she says this, I could no longer try to coax her on to him. He has to fix this himself.

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