Chapter 37- Everything's Okay

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*Klay's POV*

I know. 

I know what you're thinking at this point. 

"Klay has turned into the bad boy."

But she made me this way. 

Destiny called me a total of 78 times yesterday, but I didn't answer any one of them. Stephen called me & Tae also. But I don't want to be reminded of her. All they want to do is remind me of Destiny and how she almost broke my heart. 

Right now, I'm focusing on keeping my mom company. She's been delighted I'm home, but she's kind of skeptical of why I'm here and why I'm so glum. I put Destiny, Stephen, Taylor, and Wadeline on the block list. The only person I didn't block was Tae. My phone has calmed down a bit. I talked to Tae last night. I told her ahead of time not to talk about Destiny or anything about the situation, or she would go on block too. She understands the fact that I need space, and I appreciate her for that. But on the other hand, my mom won't fucking let it go. 

"So where's Destiny? And why isn't she here with you?" My mom says, continuing to blend her smoothie in the kitchen. 

"I can't hear you." I pretended, continuing to play NBA 2k. 

"Boy you heard me." 

"Ah she had work, and I needed to get out of that house." I responded, pausing to take a sip of my caprisun. 

"I love you and all, but you need to go back to your house, you gotta go. I know your not telling me the whole truth. And if your going to continue to lie to me, you can leave." My mom says in a snappy tone. 

"Woah, someone's sassy today." I said pausing my game again. 

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now? Cause your father is gonna be coming home in a minute and he's not gonna understand why you're here. Especially without your wife." 

"Mom..." I trailed off, thinking of what I was gonna say next. 

"Yes sweetheart?" 

"Destiny's pregnant...." I said & I immediately regretted it. All I heard was little squeels from the kitchen. She runs to the couch and jumps on me playfully, kissing my cheeks. I'm literally trying to pry her off of me, when my dad walks in. 

"Woah, what's this?" Dad says as he come in, setting his bags down. 

My mom jumps up. "We're going to be grandparents! Mychal!" she runs over to him and grabs him by the shoulders. "GRANDPARENTS!!" He looks at me in shock. 

"Is this true?" he asks

"Mother doesn't lie. Destiny's pregnant." I said finishing my caprisun. 

A slow smile spreads across his face. 

"Destiny's really pregnant? Like no bullshit, cause I'm at a very vulnerable state son."

"Dad! Those curse words need to go." I said laughing. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be a grand dad. I thought this day would never come." He says hugging my mother. 

I shot him a weird look. He was clearly talking about my bachelor days. 

"Well why isn't she here?" My mother asks. 

"She has work.. But I suppose I should be waiting for her when she gets home." I said standing up. 


*Tae's POV*

"SHIT!!" I screamed from my room. Stephen runs into my room, nearly knocking down the door. 

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