Chapter 31- The Daily Routine

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*Klay's POV*

Naya Rivera as Alexandra Lamar (Head Cheerleader/Choreographer)

"Can you guys please hurry up! I refuse to be late for practice dealing with you guys. Destiny if you want a ride to orientation then I suggest you hurry up, & Te'a and Taylor, ya'll ride with me every morning. Ya'll know the deal." I shouted up the stairs. Suddenly I remember Wadeline and I start shouting again. "Someone please wake Wadeline up!"

"She's awake!" Tae shouts down the stairs.

"Why didn't she go to her own house last night?" I shouted back

"We were up all night. Dray doesn't mind, he likes his alone time." She says back. "Where's Steph?"

"Tae you ask this every morning. He's already at practice, where we should be also, You know Sports Illustrated likes you to be there at atleast 6:30, it's 7:02. Let's get a move on pumpkin." I said picking up my dufflebag.

Destiny comes down the stairs, looking as beautiful as ever. She places a kiss on my cheek.

"How's my teacher's assistant?" I asked her.

"Ready to be a real teacher." She says resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and she breaks apart from me really quick, and I jump back because I actually think she's about to hit me.

"What I do this time?"

"You messing up my edges." She says laughing.

"I just wanted a hug." I replied.

"Well hug me when you pick me up, you can have a kiss though." She says puckering her lips. I lean in a peck her lips quickly, and Tae and Wadeline come down the stairs. I hear Tae gag, and I look down at her.

"You guys are gross." She says sticking her tongue out.

"You know, all 4 of us have to be at the practice gym right now. Tae you know Sports Illustrated called you like 60 times , cause they know you're not there. And Taylor?? Aren't you a Warriors Cheerleader? You should have caught a ride with Stephen." I said laughing.

"Yeah yeah whateva." Taylor says picking up her bag and making her way to the car.

"They know better than to fire me, cause I'm their connect to the Splash Bros. That would be stupid." Tae says picking up her tripod and stuffing in into her camera bag.

"She has a point." Wadeline says breaking her silence.

"And Wadeline?? Where are you going?" I asked, trying my best not to sound rude, but I do come off that way in the morning.

"To the practice gym to surprise Dray, if the paparazzi hasn't beat me to it." She says confidently.

"Yeah, you pretty much can't go anywhere with us without the paparazzi following. Taylor getting some bad press from spilling her drink all over Drake." Tae says.

"No press is really bad press." Destiny says. Then the girls break into this mini argument. I stand there impatiently and tap my foot.

I finally take both of my hands and place them over Tae and Destiny's mouths to get them to quiet down. Wadeline busts out laughing.

"Are ya'll done?" I said trying to make my way to the door.

"Yeah, lets bounce." Tae says walking out, and we all just look at her.

"Don't ever...Ever say that again." Wadeline says laughing.

I sighed and when they all were outside the door and were walking towards the car, I lock the door, ready to start my day.

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