Chapter 3- Wingman/Woman

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*Klay POV*

I'm looking at Stephen with the meanest mug of my life. 

"SOOOOOO , you didn't get her friend's number for me?" i say devastated. 

"I'm telling you it was a bad situation. It's not like I could go up to her and just ask for her number-" he begins but I cut him off. 

"You could ask her friend for Tae's number but you couldn't ask for her number too!" I say a little heart broken. "Stephen I wanted a new boo too." 

"You know I'm shy." he says.

I give him the dumbest look, "Boy you can dance on the court and make faces on camera, but you shy? Joke much?" I say laughing.

"Romantically shy." he says lowering his voice.

I look at the ceiling, Why me god? why did I get the shy best friend/wingman? "Well that explains why you went all creepy mode and asked her friend for her number instead of asking her yourself. Really dude! You are Stephen freaking Curry! You can have any girl you want. Don't let one divorce break you. Get back out there." I really think my pep talk worked until he gets all sad in the eyes. Aw come the fuck on! 

"I'm not letting anything break me. Me and Ayesha grew apart. There's no use dwelling on the past and what ifs." he says as he perks up, which is really scary to be honest. 

"Well see bro that's the spirit, get back on that horse. I never really got off, That Hannah girl was a joke, and she looked like a spoiled hot dog." I say laughing. Then Steph just kinda looks at me, next thing you know, we're both on the floor laughing. He likes to fight it, but he's goofy as hell. 

"But man I'm probably not gonna call that girl anyway." he says sipping a bottle of water. 

I look at him like he just slapped my mom. 

"My man... You gotta. This is the first romantic lead I've heard about in a long time. This is the closest you'll ever get." I say calmly

"She didn't even seem interested.." he says as he looks down.

"Pshh negro please. You said she was a fan right? She was wearing a wristband with your whole name on it. And that cutie had mine on.." I pause for a second. " Wait I gotta see this girl, so you have to call her friend." I say.

"I don't so. As long as were still being honest, I can't call that girl. I won't do that to myself." he says about to get up. I sit him back down.

"Don't be rude. This conversation isn't over until someone says goodbye." I say confidently.

"Goodbye" he states with a goofy smile.

"You a asshole. A bigger one than me. You know what? You're not even an asshole anymore. You're a dick. A straight dick." I say laughing.

"Klay you call me a dick head every single day.." he says giving me a funny look.

"You're an even bigger dick head now. Give me one reason why you cant call her?" I say, hoping for a stupid answer so I could shut him down right there.

He looks at the ceiling, and takes a deep breath. "OK.." he scratches his head. He's nervous. "She just lights a fire inside of me. I spent 5 minutes with her and now I just want to hold and protect her forever. I literally haven't stopped thinking about her since the last time I saw her. I regret not saying more, I was basically still in shock from when I grabbed her hand out of habit & there was like this electricity between us. It made me feel vulnerable, & I don't want that, not again." he finishes and then puts his head down.

Honestly I have no words for my dude. It sounds like I need to reunite these two together. 

"Dude that's way deep. But you never know unless you try. Love is about taking a chance." I say.

"I'll think about it.. Hey, Um have you fed Rocco? I think he could use a meal." he says looking for my dog.

"His food is in the pantry down the hall." I say looking around for his phone. He gets up and disappears down the hall. I start searching harder and faster. After forever I finally find it and I dash upstairs into my bed room to make a call.


*Destiny's POV*

As I walk in I'm just staring at my friend. You dumb hoe. 

She got to meet the guy she's been dreaming about since like forever and I didn't. Where the fuck is Klay? My boy don't buy shoes I guess. Everyone knows every athlete in town buys their shoes from us. we've always been at the top of the food chain. 

"Girl I still cant believe you weren't all over that!! He waited 30 minutes to see if you were okay and then he went to check on you himself. Tell me that's not dope!" i say excited.

"Okay I admit, that is pretty dope. I was just real embarrassed, I had on the "WARDELL STEPHEN CURRY" wristband like a total groupie." she says as she plops down on the couch.

"Mmm I can tell he doesn't think you're a groupie." I say real slow. She leans up on the couch and gives me a look.

"Destiny what did you do??" she says in a deepened voice. I think i'm in trouble but i'm just gonna go out and say it.

"HE ASKED FOR YOUR NUMBER AND I GAVE IT TO HIM." I screamed before running.

"WHYYYYY MEEEEEE. I don't wanna be anyone's charity case. " She gives me this pouty face. 

"Girl you better take that free dick." I say laughing. 

Just then her phone rings, and the room goes quiet. She just sits there. So I dive for her phone. then we both end up wresting for it. 

She finally takes the phone and answers it.  


"Who is this?"



"Klay Ttt-thompson" she stutters. she turns to me.

"OOOOOH BITCH" I scream.

I'm nearly about to maul her. I body slam her to the ground and her phone goes flying. I can hear him saying "Hello?" 


"Put it in speaker phone." I say quietly.

She gives me an evil look and picks up her phone, proceeds to put it on speaker phone. 

"Hello" she says.

"Hi yeah.. This is Klay. Is This Tae?"

"Yes it is."

"Well my boy would love to see you again, and I mean soon." he says.

She pauses for a second. "OK" she says.

"I'm having a pool party today at 3:00pm today. you should come through." he says calmly

Man I love that mans voice. Meanwhile Tae taking so long to answer him so I pinch her a little bit.

"And bring your cute ass friend" he adds. 

I almost explode. 

"We'll be there" she says in her nicest voice. She hangs up & I scream my heart out. I'm finally getting the moment I've been deprived of for years.

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