Chapter 14- The Media

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Breaking news!

Stephen Curry, spotted with a beauty that's not his wife? Sources say they've been divorced for over a year now and he was seen outside of Herberts Ice Cream Palace in Los Angeles California, with a stunning mystery beauty on his arm, and we are now getting confirmation that this woman's name is Tae Saldana & she's going to school here in California, along with her Best friend Destiny DeLuca who is currently dating fellow splash brother Klay Thompson. Is this a family affair? How does Stephen's ex wife feel about him dating? Find out after this!

*Klay's POV*

Me and Steph are on the plan in our way to Miami, first class, and the first magazine I open has Steph and Tae's face plastered on the front cover. Well the side of their face, they're in kissing position I see. This makes me laugh my ass off. The plane hasn't taken off yet so I pull out my phone and google Stephen Curry. Ding Ding Ding! I WAS RIGHT. His Google page results are flooded with gossip websites and pictures of Stephen and Tae. And by the looks of it, it's pretty hot news right now. It's fresh. Man the groupies are gonna be all over this. I nudge him with my elbow.

"Wake the fuck up." I say quietly

"No where near sleep." he says with his eyes closed. Just then Draymond pops up and says,

"Man Stephen that new hottie-" he starts but then I slap him in the stomach. "Let me do the talking." I whisper.

"What Hottie?" he says sitting up.

"Stephen, look at this magazine." I say laughing.

"What!? Why does this look like Tae kissing some jack ass??"

"That's you jack ass!" Draymond interrupted.

"Don't you check twitter? Your Fandom is going crazy. Apparently all of them thought they were going to have a chance with you." Klay says smirking.

"This isn't happening right now. I don't want her all mixed up in this." he says as he sinks into his seat.

"Juuuuust wait for the death threats, Destiny got death threats for at least 3 months after we went public. And 3 times as many chick's that already come on to me were coming at me trying to 'mend' my rocky relationship. Telling me to have a little fun. It's crazy. It's like when a man gets a girlfriend he becomes more attractive"

"This is why I didn't ask her out yet. I mind as well make her mine officially now. " he says pulling out his phone, which btw is blowing up from Twitter notifications. He sends a text.

To: Angel Face ❤

Be my girlfriend? Like now, I can't wait anymore.

"Please turn all phones on Airplane mode." says the flight attendant says to us calmly.

"Well I guess we'll see if she accepts in 2 hours. " he says shrugging.

"Stephanie please, that girl loves you." I laugh.

*Tae's POV*

"Girl you famous now!!" Destiny squeals.

"Hoe please, we went through the same thing when you and Klay went public." I say shrugging.

"My Instagram followers went from 1k to 73k in like 3 days. And the lil Klay friends better watch their back cause I fight kids." she growled

"You are a mess. You will not be fighting any kids Missy." I say laughing as I unpack more groceries.

"Your twitter must be poppin right now girl."

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